Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1205.4585 (C. N. Gagatsos et al.)

A probabilistic phase-insensitive optical squeezer in peaceful
coexistence with causality

C. N. Gagatsos, E. Karpov, N. J. Cerf
A non trace-preserving map describing a probabilistic but heralded noiseless linear amplifier has recently been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Here, we exhibit another remarkable feature of this peculiar transformation, namely its ability to serve as a universal single-mode squeezer regardless of the quadrature that is initially squeezed. Hence, it acts as an heralded phase-insensitive optical squeezer, conserving the signal-to-noise ratio just as a phase-sensitive optical amplifier but for all quadratures at the same time, which may offer new perspectives in quantum optical communications. Although this ability to squeeze all quadratures seemingly opens a way to instantaneous signaling by circumventing the quantum no-cloning theorem, we explain the subtle mechanism by which the probability for such a causality violation vanishes, even on an heralded basis.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.4585

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