Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1005.3949 (Wladyslaw A. Majewski)

On the structure of positive maps; finite dimensional case    [PDF]

Wladyslaw A. Majewski

1009.5710 (Rosario Lo Franco et al.)

Revival of quantum correlations without system-environment back-action    [PDF]

Rosario Lo Franco, Bruno Bellomo, Erika Andersson, Giuseppe Compagno

1010.0128 (Javier Rodriguez-Laguna)

Physical consequences of P$\neq$NP and the DMRG-annealing conjecture    [PDF]

Javier Rodriguez-Laguna

1103.2339 (T. Morgan et al.)

Coherent adiabatic transport of atoms in radio-frequency traps    [PDF]

T. Morgan, B. O'Sullivan, Th. Busch

1105.3914 (Werner A Hofer)

Heisenberg, uncertainty, and the scanning tunneling microscope    [PDF]

Werner A Hofer

1106.0324 (Asaad R. Sakhel)

Global and local condensate and superfluid fraction of a few hard core
bosons in a cubic optical lattice plus external harmonic confinement

Asaad R. Sakhel

1110.3632 (M. D. Schulz et al.)

Breakdown of a perturbed Z_N topological phase    [PDF]

M. D. Schulz, S. Dusuel, R. Orus, J. Vidal, K. P. Schmidt

1110.4097 (Zhengping Jiang et al.)

Effects of Interface Disorder on Valley Splitting in SiGe/Si/SiGe
Quantum Wells

Zhengping Jiang, Neerav Kharche, Timothy Boykin, Gerhard Klimeck

1111.3955 (Jacek Gruca et al.)

Nonclassicality of pure two-qutrit entangled states    [PDF]

Jacek Gruca, Wieslaw Laskowski, Marek Zukowski

1112.5889 (Naoki Yamamoto)

Pure Gaussian state generation via dissipation: A quantum stochastic
differential equation approach

Naoki Yamamoto

1203.1099 (S. -S. B. Lee et al.)

Quantifying mixed-state quantum entanglement by optimal entanglement

S. -S. B. Lee, H. -S. Sim

1203.1104 (Palle Jorgensen et al.)

Restrictions and extensions of semibounded operators    [PDF]

Palle Jorgensen, Steen Pedersen, Feng Tian

1203.1114 (Matteo G. A. Paris)

Two quantum Simpson's paradoxes    [PDF]

Matteo G. A. Paris

1203.1121 (H. K. Cheung et al.)

Rotational optomechanical coupling of a spinning dielectric sphere    [PDF]

H. K. Cheung, C. K. Law

1203.1127 (Rémi Blandino et al.)

Homodyne estimation of Gaussian quantum discord    [PDF]

Rémi Blandino, Marco G. Genoni, Etesse Jean, Marco Barbieri, Matteo G. A. Paris, Philippe Grangier, Rosa Tualle-Brouri

1203.1137 (T. S. Nag et al.)

Quantum effects in classical chaos through intermittency    [PDF]

T. S. Nag, P. Banerjee

1203.1139 (H. Nikolic)

EPR before EPR: a 1930 Einstein-Bohr thought experiment revisited    [PDF]

H. Nikolic

1203.1148 (Attila Czirjak et al.)

Oscillations in Quantum Entanglement During Rescattering    [PDF]

Attila Czirjak, Szilard Majorosi, Judit Kovacs, Mihaly G. Benedict

1203.1153 (Rahul Jain et al.)

Correlation/Communication complexity of generating bipartite states    [PDF]

Rahul Jain, Yaoyun Shi, Zhaohui Wei, Shengyu Zhang

1203.1173 (Ralf Schützhold et al.)

Cosmological particle creation in the lab?    [PDF]

Ralf Schützhold, William G. Unruh

1203.1195 (L. P. de Oliveira et al.)

Scattering and bound states of spin-0 particles in a nonminimal vector
double-step potential

L. P. de Oliveira, A. S. de Castro

1203.1197 (Zahra Shadman et al.)

Distributed super dense coding over noisy channels    [PDF]

Zahra Shadman, Hermann Kampermann, Chiara Macchiavello, Dagmar Bruss

1203.1223 (Jian Li et al.)

Dynamical decoupling of superconducting qubits    [PDF]

Jian Li, G. S. Paraoanu

1203.1231 (Antoine Canaguier-Durand et al.)

Classical Casimir interaction in the plane-sphere geometry    [PDF]

Antoine Canaguier-Durand, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Marc-Thierry Jaekel, Astrid Lambrecht, Paulo A. Maia Neto, Serge Reynaud

1203.1239 (Juan Miguel Arrazola et al.)

Accessible nonlinear entanglement witnesses    [PDF]

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Oleg Gittsovich, Norbert Lütkenhaus

1203.1246 (Nathan Goldman et al.)

Detecting Chiral Edge States in the Hofstadter Optical Lattice    [PDF]

Nathan Goldman, Jerome Beugnon, Fabrice Gerbier

1203.1259 (Ennio Arimondo et al.)

Kilohertz-driven Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices    [PDF]

Ennio Arimondo, Donatella Ciampini, André Eckardt, Martin Holthaus, Oliver Morsch

1203.1260 (Eugene B. Kolomeisky)

Brownian motion of the electron and the Lamb shift at finite temperature    [PDF]

Eugene B. Kolomeisky

1203.1261 (M. Viteau et al.)

Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

M. Viteau, M. Bason, J. Radogostowicz, N. Malossi, O. Morsch, D. Ciampini, E. Arimondo

1203.1264 (Alexander Streltsov et al.)

Quantum cost for sending entanglement    [PDF]

Alexander Streltsov, Hermann Kampermann, Dagmar Bruß

1203.1268 (T. K. Chuan et al.)

Role of quantumness of correlations in entanglement distribution    [PDF]

T. K. Chuan, J. Maillard, K. Modi, T. Paterek, M. Paternostro, M. Piani

1203.1281 (Dervis Can Vural)

Universal Sound Attenuation in Amorphous Solids at Low-Temperatures    [PDF]

Dervis Can Vural

1203.1285 (Asaf Paris-Mandoki et al.)

Analytical results for the Morse potential in s-wave ultracold
scattering: three dimensional vs. one dimensional problem

Asaf Paris-Mandoki, Rocío Jáuregui

1203.1299 (Georgios I. Tsormpatzoglou)

Biological Circuits: Analysis of a Biological Oscillator    [PDF]

Georgios I. Tsormpatzoglou