Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1211.1219 (A. A. Deriglazov)

Variational problem for Hamiltonian system on so(k, m) Lie-Poisson
manifold and dynamics of semiclassical spin

A. A. Deriglazov

1211.4035 (Mikhail Lemeshko et al.)

Dissipative binding of atoms by non-conservative forces    [PDF]

Mikhail Lemeshko, Hendrik Weimer

1211.4050 (Martin Schwarz et al.)

Preparing topological PEPS on a quantum computer    [PDF]

Martin Schwarz, Toby S. Cubitt, Kristan Temme, Frank Verstraete, David Perez-Garcia

1211.4054 (R. Orus et al.)

Bounds on universal quantum computation with perturbed 2d cluster states    [PDF]

R. Orus, H. Kalis, M. Bornemann, K. P. Schmidt

1211.4086 (Akira SaiToh)

A multiprecision C++ library for matrix-product-state simulation of
quantum computing: Evaluation of numerical errors

Akira SaiToh

1211.4118 (Ludovic Arnaud et al.)

Exploring pure quantum states with maximally mixed reductions    [PDF]

Ludovic Arnaud, Nicolas J. Cerf

1211.4169 (Jacques Distler et al.)

On Uncertainties in Successive Measurements    [PDF]

Jacques Distler, Sonia Paban

1211.4182 (A. M. Zagoskin et al.)

Is a single photon's wave front observable?    [PDF]

A. M. Zagoskin, R. D. Wilson, M. Everitt, S. Savel'ev, J. Allen, V. K. Dubrovich, E. Il'ichev

1211.4187 (Amrit De et al.)

Magnetization Noise Induced Collapse and Revival of Rabi Oscillations in
circuit QED

Amrit De, Robert Joynt

1211.4202 (T. Liu et al.)

Parity breaking and scaling behavior in light-matter interaction    [PDF]

T. Liu, M. Feng, W. L. Yang, J. H. Zou, L. Li, Y. X. Fan, K. L. Wang

1211.4224 (Anjana Bagga et al.)

Controlling wave function localization in a multiple quantum well

Anjana Bagga, Anu Venugopalan

1211.4232 (V. Red'kov et al.)

Hawking Radiation in de Sitter Space: Calculation of the Reflection
Coefficient for Quantum Particles

V. Red'kov, E. Ovsiyuk, G. Krylov

1211.4250 (Adan Cabello et al.)

Exclusive disjunction structures and graph representatives of local
complementation orbits

Adan Cabello, Matthew G. Parker, Giannicola Scarpa, Simone Severini

1211.4255 (James A. Pauls et al.)

Quantum Coherence and Entanglement in the Avian Compass    [PDF]

James A. Pauls, Yiteng Zhang, Gennady P. Berman, Sabre Kais

1211.4270 (Florin Moldoveanu)

EPR's reality criterion and quantum realism    [PDF]

Florin Moldoveanu

1211.4292 (Shuhei Tamate et al.)

Weak measurements with completely mixed probe states    [PDF]

Shuhei Tamate, Toshihiro Nakanishi, Masao Kitano

1211.4302 (A. A. Gangat et al.)

Multipartite entangled microwave and micromechanical squeezed
Schrödinger cats: a phase transition-based protocol

A. A. Gangat, I. P. McCulloch, G. J. Milburn

1211.4306 (Yusuke Nakamura et al.)

From superoperator formalism to nonequilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics    [PDF]

Yusuke Nakamura, Yoshiya Yamanaka

1211.4315 (Helge Mueller-Ebhardt et al.)

Quantum-state steering in optomechanical devices    [PDF]

Helge Mueller-Ebhardt, Haixing Miao, Stefan Danilishin, Yanbei Chen

1211.4377 (Yu Pan et al.)

Dynamical Decoupling in Common Environment    [PDF]

Yu Pan, Hong-Ting Song, Zai-Rong Xi

1211.4378 (Ephraim Shahmoon et al.)

Engineering a thermal squeezed reservoir by system energy-modulation    [PDF]

Ephraim Shahmoon, Gershon Kurizki

1211.4395 (Juyeon Yi et al.)

Nonequilibrium work by quantum projective measurements    [PDF]

Juyeon Yi, Yong Woon Kim

1211.4398 (Pablo Serra et al.)

Ground-state stability and criticality of two-electron atoms with
screened Coulomb potentials using the B-splines basis set

Pablo Serra, Sabre Kais

1211.4403 (Joanna Gonera)

Conformal mechanics    [PDF]

Joanna Gonera

1211.4419 (Zhi-Yuan Zhou et al.)

Ultra-broadband continuously-tunable polarization entangled photon pair
source covering the C+L telecom bands based on a single type-II PPKTP crystal

Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yun-Kun Jiang, Dong-Sheng Ding, Bao-Sen Shi, Guang-Can Guo

1211.4435 (D. Mogilevtsev et al.)

Nonlinear dissipation can combat linear loss    [PDF]

D. Mogilevtsev, A. Mikhalychev, V. S. Shchesnovich, N. Korolkova

1211.4456 (Simon Rips et al.)

Quantum Information Processing with Nanomechanical Qubits    [PDF]

Simon Rips, Michael J. Hartmann

1211.4476 (Mor Verbin et al.)

Observation of Topological Phase Transitions in Photonic Quasicrystals    [PDF]

Mor Verbin, Yaacov E. Kraus, Oded Zilberberg, Yoav Lahini, Yaron Silberberg

1211.4496 (Tian Zhong et al.)

Efficient single-spatial-mode periodically-poled KTiOPO_4 waveguide
source for high-dimensional entanglement-based quantum key distribution

Tian Zhong, Franco N. C. Wong, Alessandro Restelli, Joshua C. Bienfang

1211.4537 (B. Olmos et al.)

Long-range interacting many-body systems with alkaline-earth-metal atoms    [PDF]

B. Olmos, D. Yu, Y. Singh, F. Schreck, K. Bongs, I. Lesanovsky

1211.4538 (Alioscia Hamma et al.)

Local response of topological order to an external perturbation    [PDF]

Alioscia Hamma, Lukasz Cincio, Siddhartha Santra, Paolo Zanardi, Luigi Amico

1211.4540 (Samuel G. Carter et al.)

Quantum control of a spin qubit coupled to a photonic crystal cavity    [PDF]

Samuel G. Carter, Timothy M. Sweeney, Mijin Kim, Chul Soo Kim, Dmitry Solenov, Sophia E. Economou, Thomas L. Reinecke, Lily Yang, Allan S. Bracker, Daniel Gammon