Thursday, November 15, 2012

1109.2831 (Geza Toth et al.)

Extremal properties of the variance and the quantum Fisher information    [PDF]

Geza Toth, Denes Petz

1201.0453 (A. Mandilara et al.)

Quantum uncertainty relation saturated by the eigenstates of the
harmonic oscillator

A. Mandilara, N. J. Cerf

1211.3141 (F. Dupuis et al.)

Generalized Entropies    [PDF]

F. Dupuis, L. Kraemer, P. Faist, J. M. Renes, R. Renner

1211.3167 (James S. Douglas et al.)

Scattering induced spatial superpositions in multi-particle localization    [PDF]

James S. Douglas, Keith Burnett

1211.3178 (Alexander I. Nesterov et al.)

Non-Hermitian Quantum Annealing in the Transverse Ising Model    [PDF]

Alexander I. Nesterov, Juan Carlos Beas Zepeda, Gennady P. Berman

1211.3194 (Zhizhong Yan et al.)

Novel High-Speed Polarization Source for Decoy-State BB84 Quantum Key
Distribution over Free Space and Satellite Links

Zhizhong Yan, Evan Meyer-Scott, Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, Brendon L. Higgins, Nikolay Gigov, Allison MacDonald, Hannes Hübel, Thomas Jennewein

1211.3203 (Tobias Bruenner et al.)

Robust entangled qutrit states in atmospheric turbulence    [PDF]

Tobias Bruenner, Filippus S Roux

1211.3241 (Anindya Biswas et al.)

Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Trends in Gapless-gapped Transitions
of Quantum Spin Systems

Anindya Biswas, R. Prabhu, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen

1211.3265 (Hendrik Niemeyer et al.)

Onset of Fokker-Planck dynamics within a Closed Finite Spin System    [PDF]

Hendrik Niemeyer, Daniel Schmidke, Jochen Gemmer

1211.3274 (T. Shito)

The Husimi function and a successive measurement of the position and the

T. Shito

1211.3287 (Marcin Musz et al.)

Unitary quantum gates: a measure theoretic approach    [PDF]

Marcin Musz, Marek Kus, Karol Zyczkowski

1211.3294 (R. Sengupta et al.)

Extremal extensions of entanglement witnesses and their connection with

R. Sengupta, Arvind

1211.3317 (Satyan G. Bhongale et al.)

Quantum phases of quadrupolar Fermi gases in optical lattices    [PDF]

Satyan G. Bhongale, Ludwig Mathey, Erhai Zhao, Susanne F. Yelin, Mikhail Lemeshko

1211.3330 (Anton V. Sharypov et al.)

Generation of arbitrary symmetric entangled states with conditional
linear optical coupling

Anton V. Sharypov, Bing He

1211.3353 (B. Estienne et al.)

Matrix Product States and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect    [PDF]

B. Estienne, Z. Papic, N. Regnault, B. A. Bernevig

1211.3381 (Paul Benioff)

Gauge theory extension to include number scaling by boson field: Effects
on some aspects of physics and geometry

Paul Benioff

1211.3405 (A. Matthew Smith et al.)

The Measurement Based Quantum Computing Search Algorithm is Faster than
Grover's Algorithm

A. Matthew Smith, P. M. Alsing

1211.3407 (A. Matthew Smith et al.)

Is the Measurement Based Quantum Computing Search Algorithm Really
Grover's Algorithm?

A. Matthew Smith, P. M. Alsing, J. R. McDonald