Friday, June 7, 2013

1012.2911 (lingjie du et al.)

Low-frequency Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interference in dissipative
superconducting qubits

lingjie du, yang yu

1012.2916 (Lingjie Du et al.)

Optimal cooling of a driven artificial atom in dissipative environment    [PDF]

Lingjie Du, Yang Yu

1012.2917 (Lingjie Du et al.)

Electromagnetically induced interference at superconducting qubits    [PDF]

Lingjie Du, Yang Yu

1110.3795 (Jean-Daniel Bancal et al.)

Quantum nonlocality based on finite-speed causal influences leads to
superluminal signaling

Jean-Daniel Bancal, Stefano Pironio, Antonio Acin, Yeong-Cherng Liang, Valerio Scarani, Nicolas Gisin

1306.0982 (M. Ghasemi Nezhadhaghighi et al.)

Quantum entanglement entropy and classical mutual information in
long-range harmonic oscillators

M. Ghasemi Nezhadhaghighi, M. A. Rajabpour

1306.1250 (John M. Donohue et al.)

Coherent ultrafast measurement of time-bin encoded photons    [PDF]

John M. Donohue, Megan Agnew, Jonathan Lavoie, Kevin J. Resch

1306.1251 (Juan J. Omiste et al.)

Mixed-field orientation of a thermal ensemble of linear polar molecules    [PDF]

Juan J. Omiste, Rosario González Férez

1306.1254 (Ahmed Younes)

A Single Universal n-bit Gate for Reversible Circuit Synthesis    [PDF]

Ahmed Younes

1306.1258 (Matthew B. Hastings et al.)

Quantization of Hall Conductance For Interacting Electrons on a Torus    [PDF]

Matthew B. Hastings, Spyridon Michalakis

1306.1259 (James Daniel Whitfield et al.)

The computational complexity of density functional theory    [PDF]

James Daniel Whitfield, Norbert Schuch, Frank Verstraete

1306.1268 (T. P. Purdy et al.)

Strong Optomechanical Squeezing of Light    [PDF]

T. P. Purdy, P. -L. Yu, R. W. Peterson, N. S. Kampel, C. A. Regal

1306.1269 (Emily Mount et al.)

Single qubit manipulation in a microfabricated surface electrode ion

Emily Mount, So-Young Baek, Matthew Blain, Daniel Stick, Daniel Gaultney, Stephen Crain, Rachel Noek, Taehyun Kim, Peter Maunz, Jungsang Kim

1306.1276 (Eckhard Hitzer)

Directional Uncertainty Principle for Quaternion Fourier Transform    [PDF]

Eckhard Hitzer

1306.1277 (Osamu Hirota)

Misconception in Theory of Quantum Key Distribution -Reply to Renner-    [PDF]

Osamu Hirota

1306.1279 (Dominic W. Berry et al.)

The stochastic Heisenberg limit: Optimal estimation of a fluctuating

Dominic W. Berry, Michael J. W. Hall, Howard M. Wiseman

1306.1308 (M. C. Kandes et al.)

Phase-Shift Plateaus in the Sagnac Effect for Matter Waves    [PDF]

M. C. Kandes, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, M. W. J. Bromley

1306.1311 (Chyi-Lung Lin)

The effective Hamiltonian which governs the propagation dynamics of
nonspreading wave packets

Chyi-Lung Lin

1306.1319 (Pallavi Bhattacharyya et al.)

Analytical Treatment of Coherent Excitation Transfer in FMO Complex    [PDF]

Pallavi Bhattacharyya, K. L. Sebastian

1306.1330 (Ole Jürgensen et al.)

Large-Amplitude Superexchange of High-Spin Fermions in Optical Lattices    [PDF]

Ole Jürgensen, Jannes Heinze, Dirk-Sören Lühmann

1306.1342 (Evan Meyer-Scott et al.)

Entanglement-based linear-optical qubit amplifier    [PDF]

Evan Meyer-Scott, Marek Bula, Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Jan Soubusta, Thomas Jennewein, Karel Lemr

1306.1353 (Ranjith V. et al.)

Light transmission through and its complete stoppage in an ultra slow
wave optical medium

Ranjith V., N. Kumar

1306.1357 (Danny O'Shea et al.)

Fiber-optical switch controlled by a single atom    [PDF]

Danny O'Shea, Christian Junge, Jürgen Volz, Arno Rauschenbeutel

1306.1362 (Christoph Koutschan et al.)

Relativistic Coulomb Integrals and Zeilberger's Holonomic Systems
Approach II

Christoph Koutschan, Peter Paule, Sergei K. Suslov

1306.1383 (Alejandro A. Hnilo)

Time weakens the Bell's inequalities    [PDF]

Alejandro A. Hnilo

1306.1396 (N. G. Aghekyan et al.)

Spin Magnetic Moment and Persistent Orbital Currents in Cylindrical

N. G. Aghekyan, S. M. Amirkhanyan, E. M. Kazaryan, H. A. Sarkisyan

1306.1416 (Jordi Mur-Petit et al.)

Measurement and control of polar molecules using trapped atomic ions    [PDF]

Jordi Mur-Petit, Juan José García-Ripoll

1306.1420 (Tzu-Chieh Wei)

Quantum computational universality of spin-3/2
Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states on trivalent Archimedean lattices

Tzu-Chieh Wei

1306.1429 (Juan J. Omiste et al.)

Rotational dynamics of an asymmetric top molecule in parallel electric
and non-resonant laser fields

Juan J. Omiste, Rosario González Férez

1306.1430 (Tristan Benoist et al.)

Large Time Behaviour and Convergence Rate for Non Demolition Quantum

Tristan Benoist, Clement Pellegrini

1306.1443 (Zhe Guan et al.)

The Magic Power of the $π/8$ Gate in a Two-Qubit System    [PDF]

Zhe Guan, Huan He, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

1306.1453 (J. Clemente-Gallardo et al.)

The Ehrenfest picture and the geometry of Quantum Mechanics    [PDF]

J. Clemente-Gallardo, G. Marmo

1306.1472 (David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky et al.)

Work and gain of heat-pumped quantized masers    [PDF]

David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Robert Alicki, Gershon Kurizki

1306.1483 (K. D. B. Higgins et al.)

Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering    [PDF]

K. D. B. Higgins, S. C. Benjamin, T. M. Stace, G. J. Milburn, B. W. Lovett, E. M. Gauger

1306.1502 (M. Veronez et al.)

Phase space flow in the Husimi representation    [PDF]

M. Veronez, M. A. M. de Aguiar

1306.1512 (T. Lanting et al.)

Flux noise in SQUIDs: Evidence for temperature dependent spin-diffusion    [PDF]

T. Lanting, M. H. Amin, A. J. Berkley, C. Rich, S. -F. Chen, S. LaForest, Rogerio de Sousa