Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1109.4796 (Leonardo Andreta de Castro et al.)

Error correction in short time steps during the application of quantum

Leonardo Andreta de Castro, Reginaldo de Jesus Napolitano

1110.2750 (Tomasz M. Rusin et al.)

Non-locality of energy separating transformations for Dirac electrons in
a magnetic field

Tomasz M. Rusin, Wlodek Zawadzki

1205.2038 (Carlos L. Benavides-Riveros et al.)

The lowest excited configuration of harmonium    [PDF]

Carlos L. Benavides-Riveros, José M. Gracia-Bondía, Joseph C. Várilly

1208.3703 (Craig Hogan)

Quantum Geometry and Interferometry    [PDF]

Craig Hogan

1208.3717 (Moritz P. Haag et al.)

Real-time Quantum Chemistry    [PDF]

Moritz P. Haag, Markus Reiher

1208.3738 (Yunshan Cao et al.)

Demonstrating nonlocality induced teleportation through Majorana bound
states in a semiconductor nanowire

Yunshan Cao, Peiyue Wang, Ming Gong, Shu-Shen Li, Xin-Qi Li

1208.3744 (Jeffrey Bub)

Why the Tsirelson bound?    [PDF]

Jeffrey Bub

1208.3757 (Edward Farhi et al.)

The performance of the quantum adiabatic algorithm on random instances
of two optimization problems on regular hypergraphs

Edward Farhi, David Gosset, Itay Hen, A. W. Sandvik, Peter Shor, A. P. Young, Francesco Zamponi

1208.3762 (Daniela Dragoman et al.)

Optical analogues of quantum chirality    [PDF]

Daniela Dragoman, Adrian Radu, Sorina Iftimie

1208.3768 (V. K. Dolmatov et al.)

Atomic swelling upon compression    [PDF]

V. K. Dolmatov, J. L. King

1208.3786 (Wang-Kong Tse et al.)

Quantized Casimir Force    [PDF]

Wang-Kong Tse, A. H. MacDonald

1208.3796 (Stanley P Gudder)

The Causal Poset is Directed but not Lattice Ordered    [PDF]

Stanley P Gudder

1208.3820 (Richard G. Forbes et al.)

Use of a new type of intercept correction factor to improve
Fowler-Nordheim plot analysis

Richard G. Forbes, Andreas Fischer, Marwan S. Mousa

1208.3838 (Roger R. Sakhel et al.)

Energy and condensate dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate excited by
a moving red laser potential inside a power law trap cutoff by box potential
hard walls

Roger R. Sakhel, Asaad R. Sakhel

1208.3861 (S. Hasibul Hassan Chowdhury et al.)

The Symmetry Groups of Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and Coherent
State Quantization

S. Hasibul Hassan Chowdhury, S. Twareque Ali

1208.3889 (Bryan W. Roberts)

Kramers degeneracy without eigenvectors    [PDF]

Bryan W. Roberts

1208.3902 (J. K. Freericks et al.)

Spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and
self-energy of the inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model in equilibrium and

J. K. Freericks, V. Turkowski, H. R. Krishnamurthy, M. Knap

1208.3905 (Iaakov Exman et al.)

Quantum Probes Reduce Measurements: Application to Distributed Grover

Iaakov Exman, Efrat Levy

1208.3912 (Pascal Naidon et al.)

Physical Origin of the Universal Three-body Parameter in Atomic Efimov

Pascal Naidon, Shimpei Endo, Masahito Ueda

1208.3918 (S. Iblisdir et al.)

Low Depth Quantum Circuits for Ising Models    [PDF]

S. Iblisdir, M. Cirio, O. Boada, G. K. Brennen

1208.3919 (Sukhwinder Singh et al.)

Tensor network states and algorithms in the presence of a global SU(2)

Sukhwinder Singh, Guifre Vidal

1208.3970 (J. A. Miszczak)

Employing online quantum random number generators for generating truly
random quantum states in Mathematica

J. A. Miszczak

1208.3985 (Hai Li et al.)

Revisiting the quantum Szilard engine with fully quantum considerations    [PDF]

Hai Li, Jian Zou, Jun-Gang Li, Bin Shao, Lian-Ao Wu

1208.3986 (Joseba Alonso et al.)

Quantum control of the motional states of trapped ions through fast
switching of trapping potentials

Joseba Alonso, Florian M. Leupold, Ben C. Keitch, Jonathan P. Home

1208.3997 (I. Siloi et al.)

Towards the chemical tuning of entanglement in molecular nanomagnets    [PDF]

I. Siloi, F. Troiani

1208.4005 (Rasmus B. Linnet et al.)

Pinning an Ion with an Intracavity Optical Lattice    [PDF]

Rasmus B. Linnet, Ian D. Leroux, Mathieu Marciante, Aurélien Dantan, Michael Drewsen

1208.4017 (Shlomi Kotler et al.)

Single-Spin Spectrum-Analyzer for a Strongly Coupled Environment    [PDF]

Shlomi Kotler, Nitzan Akerman, Yinnon Glickman, Roee Ozeri

1208.4028 (I. Elmashad et al.)

Quantum Gravity effect on the Quark-Gluon Plasma    [PDF]

I. Elmashad, A. Farag Ali, L. I. Abou-Salem, Jameel-Un Nabi, A. Tawfik

1208.4031 (Tae-Gon Noh)

Vacuum state truncation via the quantum Zeno effect    [PDF]

Tae-Gon Noh

1208.4033 (A. J. A. James et al.)

Understanding the entanglement entropy and spectra of 2D quantum systems
through arrays of coupled 1D chains

A. J. A. James, R. M. Konik

1208.4040 (H. Kaufmann et al.)

Precise experimental investigation of eigenmodes in a planar ion crystal    [PDF]

H. Kaufmann, S. Ulm, G. Jacob, U. Poschinger, H. Landa, A. Retzker, M. B. Plenio, F. Schmidt-Kaler

1208.4049 (Zoltan Zimboras et al.)

Quantum Transport Enhancement by Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking    [PDF]

Zoltan Zimboras, Mauro Faccin, Zoltan Kadar, James Whitfield, Ben Lanyon, Jacob Biamonte

1208.4056 (M. Pino et al.)

Capturing the re-entrant behaviour of one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model    [PDF]

M. Pino, J. Prior, S. R. Clark