Friday, November 16, 2012

0806.4861 (Zbigniew Walczak)

Total correlations and mutual information    [PDF]

Zbigniew Walczak

1211.3422 (Ryan Babbush et al.)

Construction of Energy Functions for Lattice Heteropolymer Models:
Efficient Encodings for Constraint Satisfaction Programming and Quantum

Ryan Babbush, Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz, Bryan O'Gorman, William Macready, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

1211.3464 (Max F. Frenzel et al.)

Matrix Product State Representation without local Hilbert Space
Truncation with Applications to the Sub-Ohmic Spin-Boson Model

Max F. Frenzel, Martin B. Plenio

1211.3488 (Nobuyuki Matsuda et al.)

Observation of optical-fiber Kerr nonlinearity at the single-photon

Nobuyuki Matsuda, Ryosuke Shimizu, Yasuyoshi Mitsumori, Hideo Kosaka, Keiichi Edamatsu

1211.3498 (Anu Venugopalan)

The Quantum Zeno Effect -- Watched Pots in the Quantum World    [PDF]

Anu Venugopalan

1211.3519 (Raymond Y. Chiao)

Analysis and estimation of the threshold for a microwave "pellicle
mirror" parametric oscillator, via energy conservation

Raymond Y. Chiao

1211.3525 (Daisuke Ida et al.)

Modular Theory for Operator Algebra in Bounded Region of Space-Time and
Quantum Entanglement

Daisuke Ida, Takahiro Okamoto, Miyuki Saito

1211.3538 (M V Chekhova et al.)

The Schmidt modes of biphoton qutrits: Poincare-sphere representation    [PDF]

M V Chekhova, M V Fedorov

1211.3550 (Zoltán Darázs et al.)

Time evolution of continuous-time quantum walks on dynamical percolation

Zoltán Darázs, Tamás Kiss

1211.3555 (P. A. Knott et al.)

Detecting measurement-induced relative-position localisation    [PDF]

P. A. Knott, J. Sindt, J. A. Dunningham

1211.3560 (Denis Rosset et al.)

Correlations of distillable entangled quantum states cannot be
classically simulated

Denis Rosset, Cyril Branciard, Nicolas Gisin, Yeong-Cherng Liang

1211.3570 (Sebastian Steinlechner et al.)

Quantum-Dense Metrology    [PDF]

Sebastian Steinlechner, Jöran Bauchrowitz, Melanie Meinders, Helge Müller-Ebhardt, Karsten Danzmann, Roman Schnabel

1211.3597 (M. B. Kenmoe et al.)

Effects of colored noise on Landau-Zener Transitions: Two and
Three-Level Systems

M. B. Kenmoe, H. N. Phien, M. N. Kiselev, L. C. Fai

1211.3598 (J. Pohlmann et al.)

Trion and Dimer Formation of Three-Color Fermions    [PDF]

J. Pohlmann, A. Privitera, I. Titvinidze, W. Hofstetter

1211.3697 (D. Aesenovic et al.)

Replay to "Comment on 'Quantum phase for an arbitrary system with
finite-dimensional Hilbert space'

D. Aesenovic, N. Buric, D. Davidovic, S. Prvanovic