Friday, June 8, 2012

1011.1295 (Ulrich Faigle et al.)

A Markovian Model for Joint Observations, Bell's Inequality and Hidden

Ulrich Faigle, Alexander Schönhuth

1108.5541 (Ben Fortescue et al.)

Reducing the quantum communication cost of quantum secret sharing    [PDF]

Ben Fortescue, Gilad Gour

1109.6750 (Werner A. Hofer)

Solving the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen puzzle: the origin of non-locality
in Aspect-type experiments

Werner A. Hofer

1206.1495 (Kostyantyn Karplyuk et al.)

On Calculation of Amplitudes in Quantum Electrodynamics    [PDF]

Kostyantyn Karplyuk, Oleksandr Zhmudsky

1206.1180 (Joseph Ben Geloun et al.)

Enhanced quantization on the circle    [PDF]

Joseph Ben Geloun, John R. Klauder

1206.1351 (Fernando C. Lombardo et al.)

Decoherence and Loss of Entanglement in Acoustic Black Holes    [PDF]

Fernando C. Lombardo, Gustavo J. Turiaci

1206.1354 (I. Filikhin et al.)

Quantum Mechanics of Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Rings    [PDF]

I. Filikhin, S. G. Matinyan, B. Vlahovic

1206.1361 (Dusan Vudragovic et al.)

C programs for solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a
fully anisotropic trap

Dusan Vudragovic, Ivana Vidanovic, Antun Balaz, Paulsamy Muruganandam, Sadhan K. Adhikari

1206.1367 (E. Cobanera et al.)

The non-Abelian Duality Problem    [PDF]

E. Cobanera, G. Ortiz, E. Knill

1206.1403 (B. Gaveau et al.)

Relative momentum for identical particles    [PDF]

B. Gaveau, L. S. Schulman

1206.1410 (M. Radonjic et al.)

Hybrid quantum-classical models as constrained quantum systems    [PDF]

M. Radonjic, S. Prvanovic, N. Buric

1206.1432 (Tabish Qureshi)

Popper's Experiment: A Modern Perspective    [PDF]

Tabish Qureshi

1206.1462 (Regine Frank)

Coherent Control of Floquet-Mode Dressed Plasmon Polaritons    [PDF]

Regine Frank

1206.1487 (C. Munoz et al.)

Symmetric discrete coherent states for n qubits    [PDF]

C. Munoz, A. B. Klimov, L. L. Sanchez-Soto

1206.1503 (A. Avella et al.)

Review on recent groundbreaking experiments on quantum communication
with orthogonal states

A. Avella, G. Brida, D. Carpentras, A. Cavanna, I. P. Degiovanni, M. Genovese, M. Gramegna, P. Traina

1206.1537 (Pablo López et al.)

Quasi non-Markovian approach to the study of decoherence of a
controlled-not quantum gate in a chain of few nuclear spins quantum computer

Pablo López, Gustavo López

1206.1561 (R. Trotta et al.)

Universal recovery of the bright-exciton level-degeneracy in quantum
dots without structural symmetry

R. Trotta, E. Zallo, C. Ortix, P. Atkinson, J. D. Plumhof, J. van den Brink, A. Rastelli, O. G. Schmidt

1206.1566 (Douglas F. G. Santiago et al.)

Non-Pauli Observables for CWS Codes    [PDF]

Douglas F. G. Santiago, Renato Portugal, Nolmar Melo

1206.1569 (R. Combescot et al.)

Atom-dimer p-wave resonance for fermionic mixtures with different masses    [PDF]

R. Combescot, X. Leyronas

1206.1573 (Viva R. Horowitz et al.)

Electron spin resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in optically trapped

Viva R. Horowitz, Benjamín J. Alemán, David J. Christle, Andrew N. Cleland, David D. Awschalom

1206.1581 (Liang Jiang et al.)

Magneto-Josephson effects in junctions with Majorana bound states    [PDF]

Liang Jiang, David Pekker, Jason Alicea, Gil Refael, Yuval Oreg, Arne Brataas, Felix von Oppen