Thursday, November 29, 2012

1012.3197 (G. Chiribella et al.)

Normal completely positive maps on the space of quantum operations    [PDF]

G. Chiribella, A. Toigo, V. Umanità

1211.6246 (Felix Fontein et al.)

On the Probability of Generating a Lattice    [PDF]

Felix Fontein, Pawel Wocjan

1211.6469 (F. Alexander Wolf et al.)

Dynamical correlation functions and the quantum Rabi model    [PDF]

F. Alexander Wolf, Fabio Vallone, Guillermo Romero, Marcus Kollar, Enrique Solano, Daniel Braak

1211.6472 (Andrzej M. Frydryszak et al.)

Geometric measure of entanglement of the qubit with an arbitrary quantum

Andrzej M. Frydryszak, Volodymyr M. Tkachuk

1211.6518 (J. R. Johansson et al.)

QuTiP 2: A Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems    [PDF]

J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, Franco Nori

1211.6540 (Chun-Hua Yuan et al.)

Entanglement enhanced phase sensitive Raman scattering in atomic vapors    [PDF]

Chun-Hua Yuan, L. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Ou, Weiping Zhang

1211.6554 (U. Warring et al.)

Microwave Near-Field Quantum Control of Trapped Ions    [PDF]

U. Warring, C. Ospelkaus, Y. Colombe, K. R. Brown, J. M. Amini, M. Carsjens, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland

1211.6578 (P. G. Castro et al.)

Partial degeneracy breaking of the hydrogen energy spectrum from su_q(2)    [PDF]

P. G. Castro, R. Kullock

1211.6606 (Kean Loon Lee et al.)

Analytical and numerical study of uncorrelated disorder on a honeycomb

Kean Loon Lee, Benoît Grémaud, Christian Miniatura, Dominique Delande

1211.6634 (Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen et al.)

Quantum tele-amplification with a continuous variable superposition

Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Yujiro Eto, Chang-Woo Lee, Hyunseok Jeong, Masahide Sasaki

1211.6647 (Y. Lin et al.)

Sympathetic EIT laser cooling of motional modes in an ion chain    [PDF]

Y. Lin, J. P. Gaebler, T. R. Tan, R. Bowler, J. D. Jost, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland

1211.6679 (F. Alzetto et al.)

Dimer-dimer scattering length for fermions with different masses:
analytical study for large mass ratio

F. Alzetto, R. Combescot, X. Leyronas

1211.6683 (Carlos Pedro Gonçalves)

Risk Mathematics and Quantum Games on Quantum Risk Structures - A
Nuclear War Scenario Game

Carlos Pedro Gonçalves

1211.6692 (Eduardo Nahmad-Achar et al.)

Mathematical Methods in Quantum Optics: the Dicke Model    [PDF]

Eduardo Nahmad-Achar, Octavio Castaños, Ramón López-Peña, Jorge G. Hirsch

1211.6702 (Robert Carroll)

On deformed quantum potentials    [PDF]

Robert Carroll

1211.6731 (Maurizio Fagotti)

Finite-size corrections vs. relaxation after a sudden quench    [PDF]

Maurizio Fagotti