Wednesday, April 24, 2013

1304.5723 (Péter E. Frenkel et al.)

Classical information storage in an $n$-level quantum system    [PDF]

Péter E. Frenkel, Mihály Weiner

1304.6095 (Christopher Eltschka et al.)

Entanglement of three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-symmetric states    [PDF]

Christopher Eltschka, Jens Siewert

1304.6100 (Guillaume Duclos-Cianci et al.)

Fault-Tolerant Renormalization Group Decoder for Abelian Topological

Guillaume Duclos-Cianci, David Poulin

1304.6110 (Louis Lello et al.)

Entanglement entropy in particle decay    [PDF]

Louis Lello, Daniel Boyanovsky, Richard Holman

1304.6112 (Robert N. C. Pfeifer)

Identification of optimal contraction sequences for tensor networks    [PDF]

Robert N. C. Pfeifer

1304.6130 (H. Shi et al.)

Quantum mechanical study of a generic quadratically coupled
optomechanical system

H. Shi, M. Bhattacharya

1304.6150 (Zhen Wang et al.)

Size consistency of tensor network methods for quantum many-body systems    [PDF]

Zhen Wang, Yongjian Han, Guang-Can Guo, Lixin He

1304.6160 (S. A. Alavi et al.)

Dynamical noncommutative quantum mechanics    [PDF]

S. A. Alavi, S. Abbaspour

1304.6166 (S. P. Toh)

Kochen-Specker Sets with Thirty Rank-Two Projectors in Three-Qubit

S. P. Toh

1304.6169 (M. Kolár et al.)

Boosting the Rotational Sensitivity of Matter-wave Interferometry with

M. Kolár, T. Opatrný, Kunal K. Das

1304.6198 (Shang-Bin Li)

Signature candidate of quantum chaos far from the semiclassical regime    [PDF]

Shang-Bin Li

1304.6215 (K. Toyoda et al.)

Realization of holonomic single-qubit operations    [PDF]

K. Toyoda, K. Uchida, A. Noguchi, S. Haze, S. Urabe

1304.6219 (F. D. Cunden et al.)

Polarized ensembles of random pure states    [PDF]

F. D. Cunden, P. Facchi, G. Florio

1304.6221 (S. Felicetti et al.)

Photon transfer in ultrastrongly coupled three-cavity arrays    [PDF]

S. Felicetti, G. Romero, D. Rossini, R. Fazio, E. Solano

1304.6240 (Clive Emary)

Dark states in multi-mode multi-atom Jaynes-Cummings systems    [PDF]

Clive Emary

1304.6275 (Ri Qu et al.)

No hypergraph state can be converted into a W state under local

Ri Qu, Yi-ping Ma, Bo Wang, Yan-ru Bao

1304.6277 (A. S. Trushechkin et al.)

Localization properties of squeezed quantum states in nanoscale space

A. S. Trushechkin, I. V. Volovich

1304.6278 (Sophie Pelisson et al.)

Lifetimes of atoms trapped in an optical lattice in proximity of a

Sophie Pelisson, Riccardo Messina, Marie-Christine Angonin, Peter Wolf

1304.6286 (Huanan Li et al.)

Work distribution under continuous quantum histories    [PDF]

Huanan Li, Jian-Sheng Wang

1304.6295 (P. Fernandez de Cordoba et al.)

Emergent quantum mechanics as a thermal ensemble    [PDF]

P. Fernandez de Cordoba, J. M. Isidro, Milton H. Perea

1304.6299 (Tomasz Sowiński et al.)

Dynamical restoration of symmetry breaking in realistic optical lattices    [PDF]

Tomasz Sowiński, Mateusz Łacki, Omjyoti Dutta, Joanna Pietraszewicz, Piotr Sierant, Mariusz Gajda, Jakub Zakrzewski, Maciej Lewenstein

1304.6300 (Carles Navau et al.)

Magnetic hose: Routing and Long-distance Transportation of Magnetic

Carles Navau, Jordi Prat-Camps, Oriol Romero-Isart, J. Ignacio Cirac, Alvaro Sanchez

1304.6307 (Xiang-Bin Wang et al.)

Efficient tomography of quantum optical Gaussian processes probed with a
few coherent states

Xiang-Bin Wang, Zong-Wen Yu, Jia-Zhong Hu, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori

1304.6351 (Shmuel Friedland et al.)

Universal Uncertainty Relations    [PDF]

Shmuel Friedland, Vlad Gheorghiu, Gilad Gour

1304.6374 (A. W. Carr et al.)

Preparation of entangled and antiferromagnetic states by dissipative
Rydberg pumping

A. W. Carr, M. Saffman