Wednesday, June 12, 2013

1010.5506 (Ching-Yi Lai et al.)

Dualities and Identities for Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Codes    [PDF]

Ching-Yi Lai, Todd A. Brun, Mark M. Wilde

1306.2348 (Shelby Kimmel et al.)

Robust Extraction of Tomographic Information via Randomized Benchmarking    [PDF]

Shelby Kimmel, Marcus P. da Silva, Colm A. Ryan, Blake R. Johnson, Thomas Ohki

1306.2376 (Michał Oszmaniec et al.)

A universal framework for entanglement detection    [PDF]

Michał Oszmaniec, Marek Kuś

1306.2379 (Parsa Bonderson et al.)

Twisted Interferometry    [PDF]

Parsa Bonderson, Lukasz Fidkowski, Michael Freedman, Kevin Walker

1306.2403 (Farrukh Mukhamedov et al.)

On pure quasi quantum quadratic operators of M_2(C)    [PDF]

Farrukh Mukhamedov, Abduaziz Abduganiev

1306.2409 (Saki Tanaka et al.)

Does the post-selection amplify the information for parameter

Saki Tanaka, Naoki Yamamoto

1306.2411 (Horacio Olivares Pilón et al.)

Quadrupole transitions in the bound rotational-vibrational spectrum of
the hydrogen molecular ion

Horacio Olivares Pilón, Daniel Baye

1306.2433 (E. D. Vol)

The Discrete-Continuous Logic and its possible quantum realizations    [PDF]

E. D. Vol

1306.2519 (François Konschelle et al.)

Effects of non-equilibrium noise on a quantum memory encoded in Majorana
zero modes

François Konschelle, Fabian Hassler

1306.2524 (Antonino Messina et al.)

Unitary Representations of Quantum Superpositions of two Coherent States
and beyond

Antonino Messina, Gheorghe Dr\uag\uanescu

1306.2525 (P. Grünwald et al.)

Optimal Squeezing in the Resonance Fluorescence of Single Photon

P. Grünwald, W. Vogel

1306.2526 (Ole Andersson et al.)

Dynamic Distance Measures on Spaces of Isospectral Mixed Quantum States    [PDF]

Ole Andersson, Hoshang Heydari

1306.2535 (P. Grünwald et al.)

Resonance fluorescence spectrum from excitons in quantum wells    [PDF]

P. Grünwald, G. K. G. Burau, H. Stolz, W. Vogel

1306.2536 (Wolfram Helwig et al.)

Absolutely Maximally Entangled States: Existence and Applications    [PDF]

Wolfram Helwig, Wei Cui

1306.2570 (Lin Chen et al.)

Canonical form of three-fermion pure-states with six single particle

Lin Chen, Dragomir Ž \Doković, Markus Grassl, Bei Zeng

1306.2571 (Alejandro Máttar et al.)

Device-independent quantum key distribution with spin-coupled cavities    [PDF]

Alejandro Máttar, Jonatan Bohr Brask, Antonio Acín

1306.2574 (Karl-Peter Marzlin et al.)

Quantum Collapse Bell Inequalities    [PDF]

Karl-Peter Marzlin, T. A. Osborn

1306.2592 (B. G Divyamani et al.)

Thermal entanglement in a two-qubit Ising chain subjected to
Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction

B. G Divyamani, Sudha

1306.2620 (Gurneet Kaur et al.)

Decay of spin coherences in one-dimensional spin systems    [PDF]

Gurneet Kaur, Ashok Ajoy, Paola Cappellaro