Monday, October 22, 2012

1108.3991 (Juan Ortigoso)

Mechanism of Molecular Orientation by Single-cycle Pulses    [PDF]

Juan Ortigoso

1210.5250 (Martin Bitter et al.)

Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy in the presence of strong
resonant signal from background molecules

Martin Bitter, Valery Milner

1210.5256 (Sergio Giardino)

Angular invariant quantum mechanics in arbitrary dimension    [PDF]

Sergio Giardino

1210.5260 (Michael R. Geller et al.)

Universal quantum simulation with pre-threshold superconducting qubits:
Single-excitation subspace method

Michael R. Geller, John M. Martinis, Andrew T. Sornborger, Phillip C. Stancil, Emily J. Pritchett, Andrei Galiautdinov

1210.5272 (Elena del Valle)

Distilling one, two and entangled pairs of photons from a quantum dot
with cavity QED effects and spectral filtering

Elena del Valle

1210.5291 (A. Thilagam et al.)

Non-markovianity and CHSH-Bell inequality violation in multipartite
dissipative systems

A. Thilagam, A. R. Usha Devi

1210.5326 (Yu-Yu Zhang et al.)

Generalized rotating-wave approximations to biased qubit-oscillator

Yu-Yu Zhang, Qing-Hu Chen

1210.5331 (C. V. Sukumar)

Recurrence relations and path representations of matrix elements of an
SU(1,1) algebra

C. V. Sukumar

1210.5334 (Pouria Pedram)

A Higher Order GUP with Minimal Length Uncertainty and Maximal Momentum
II: Applications

Pouria Pedram

1210.5340 (Laleh Memarzadeh et al.)

Entanglement dynamics for qubits dissipating into a common environment    [PDF]

Laleh Memarzadeh, Stefano Mancini

1210.5344 (Jiangbin Gong et al.)

Time Dependent PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics    [PDF]

Jiangbin Gong, Qing-hai Wang

1210.5359 (Pasquale Calabrese et al.)

Entanglement negativity in extended systems: A field theoretical

Pasquale Calabrese, John Cardy, Erik Tonni

1210.5379 (Andrej Junginger et al.)

Quantum-classical lifetimes of Rydberg molecules    [PDF]

Andrej Junginger, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner

1210.5399 (Wladyslaw A. Majewski et al.)

On the structure of positive maps II: low dimensional matrix algebras    [PDF]

Wladyslaw A. Majewski, Tomasz I. Tylec

1210.5401 (Christoph Brockt et al.)

The continuum limit of a tensor network: a path integral representation    [PDF]

Christoph Brockt, Jutho Haegeman, David Jennings, Tobias J. Osborne, Frank Verstraete

1210.5449 (Francesca Albertini et al.)

Algebraic Conditions for Indirect Controllability in Quantum Coherent
Feedback Schemes

Francesca Albertini, Domenico D'Alessandro

1210.5452 (M. Burrello et al.)

Braiding of non-Abelian anyons using pairwise interactions    [PDF]

M. Burrello, B. van Heck, A. R. Akhmerov

1210.5477 (Matthew B. Hastings et al.)

Metaplectic Anyons, Majorana Zero Modes, and their Computational Power    [PDF]

Matthew B. Hastings, Chetan Nayak, Zhenghan Wang