Friday, December 21, 2012

1112.6200 (Jiang Qian et al.)

Quantum Signatures of the Optomechanical Instability    [PDF]

Jiang Qian, A. A. Clerk, K. Hammerer, Florian Marquardt

1212.4324 (V. V. Kudryashov et al.)

Influence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions of equal
strengths on electron states in a circular quantum ring in the presence of a
magnetic field

V. V. Kudryashov, A. V. Baran

1212.4839 (Norman Y. Yao et al.)

Realizing Fractional Chern Insulators with Dipolar Spins    [PDF]

Norman Y. Yao, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Chris R. Laumann, Andreas M. Läuchli, Jun Ye, Mikhail D. Lukin

1212.4854 (James Owen Weatherall)

The Scope and Generality of Bell's Theorem    [PDF]

James Owen Weatherall

1212.4863 (Juven Wang et al.)

Boundary Degeneracy of Topological Order    [PDF]

Juven Wang, Xiao-Gang Wen

1212.4872 (Bryan Eastin)

Distilling one-qubit magic states into Toffoli states    [PDF]

Bryan Eastin

1212.4882 (Andreas Doering)

Generalised Gelfand Spectra of Nonabelian Unital C*-Algebras II: Flows
and Time Evolution of Quantum Systems

Andreas Doering

1212.4897 (Q. H. Liu et al.)

On relation between geometric momentum and annihilation operators on a
two-dimensional sphere

Q. H. Liu, Y. Shen, D. M. Xun, X. Wang

1212.4927 (C. Di Franco et al.)

A no-go result on the purification of quantum states    [PDF]

C. Di Franco, M. Paternostro

1212.4933 (Sheng-Chang Li et al.)

Quantum phase transition in a three-level atom-molecule system    [PDF]

Sheng-Chang Li, Li-Bin Fu, Fu-Li Li

1212.4934 (Simon J. Devitt et al.)

Requirements for fault-tolerant factoring on an atom-optics quantum

Simon J. Devitt, Ashley M. Stephens, William J. Munro, Kae Nemoto

1212.4941 (D. Ding et al.)

Corrections to our results for optical nanofiber traps in Cesium    [PDF]

D. Ding, A. Goban, K. S. Choi, H. J. Kimble

1212.4952 (Kenichi Kasamatsu et al.)

Local Gauge Symmetry and its Breaking as Higgs Couplings in Atomic
Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Gauge Fields

Kenichi Kasamatsu, Ikuo Ichinose, Tetsuo Matsui

1212.4956 (Eiji Konishi)

Quantum Mechanical Observers and Time Reparametrization Symmetry    [PDF]

Eiji Konishi

1212.4962 (Guang Ping He)

Extremely simple unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment    [PDF]

Guang Ping He

1212.4979 (Won Sang Chung)

On the quantization and generalized uncertainty relation for some
quantum deformed algebras

Won Sang Chung

1212.4981 (J. D. Fletcher et al.)

Clock-controlled emission of single-electron wavepackets in a
solid-state circuit

J. D. Fletcher, M. Kataoka, H. Howe, M. Pepper, P. See, S. P. Giblin, J. P. Griffiths, G. A. C. Jones, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, T. J. B. M. Janssen

1212.4990 (O. Tapia)

Quantum physical states for describing photonic assisted chemical
change: I. Torsional phenomenon at femtosecond time scale

O. Tapia

1212.5001 (Xi-wang Luo et al.)

Simulation of non-Abelian Anyons using ribbon operators connected to a
common base site

Xi-wang Luo, Yong-jian Han, Guang-can Guo, Xingxiang Zhou, Zheng-Wei Zhou

1212.5002 (Liang-Hui Du et al.)

Strongly-coupled Josephson junction array for simulation of frustrated
one-dimensional spin models

Liang-Hui Du, Xingxiang Zhou, Yong-Jian Han, Guang-Can Guo, Zheng-Wei Zhou

1212.5005 (K. Waldherr et al.)

Computations in Quantum Tensor Networks    [PDF]

K. Waldherr, T. Huckle, T. Schulte-Herbrueggen

1212.5023 (Lin Zhang)

Conditional mutual information and commutator    [PDF]

Lin Zhang

1212.5036 (Øyvind Steensgaard Garberg et al.)

Extremal states of positive partial transpose in a system of three

Øyvind Steensgaard Garberg, Børge Irgens, Jan Myrheim

1212.5041 (Baoqing Sun et al.)

Normalized Ghost Imaging    [PDF]

Baoqing Sun, Stephen S. Welsh, Matthew P. Edgar, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Miles J. Padgett

1212.5044 (Anais Smailagic et al.)

Thermodynamical phases of a regular SAdS black hole    [PDF]

Anais Smailagic, Euro Spallucci

1212.5046 (Beatrix C. Hiesmayr et al.)

Complementarity Reveals Bound Entanglement of Two Twisted Photons    [PDF]

Beatrix C. Hiesmayr, Wolfgang Löffler

1212.5058 (Robert Fickler et al.)

Real-Time Imaging of Quantum Entanglement    [PDF]

Robert Fickler, Mario Krenn, Radek Lapkiewicz, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

1212.5059 (Reuben S. Aspden et al.)

Heralded single-photon ghost imaging    [PDF]

Reuben S. Aspden, Daniel S. Tasca, Robert W. Boyd, Miles J. Padgett

1212.5069 (Cody Jones)

Novel constructions for the fault-tolerant Toffoli gate    [PDF]

Cody Jones

1212.5093 (N. Goldman et al.)

Direct imaging of topological edges states with cold atoms    [PDF]

N. Goldman, J. Dalibard, A. Dauphin, F. Gerbier, M. Lewenstein, P. Zoller, I. B. Spielman

1212.5115 (Sandeep K Goyal et al.)

Qudit-Teleportation for photons with linear optics    [PDF]

Sandeep K Goyal, Patricia E. Boukama-Dzoussi, Sibasish Ghosh, Filippus S. Roux, Thomas Konrad

1212.5146 (Domenico Giulini et al.)

Gravitationally induced inhibitions of dispersion according to a
modified Schrödinger-Newton equation for a homogeneous-sphere potential

Domenico Giulini, André Großardt

1212.5172 (Abbas Mohtashami et al.)

Suitability of nanodiamond NV centers for spontaneous emission control

Abbas Mohtashami, A. Femius Koenderink

1212.5189 (M. M. Lai et al.)

Transmission degradation and preservation for tapered optical fibers in
rubidium vapor

M. M. Lai, J. D. Franson, T. B. Pittman

1212.5214 (Lorenzo Maccone)

Simplest proof of Bell's inequality    [PDF]

Lorenzo Maccone

1212.5219 (Kelly R. Patton et al.)

Transfer and storage of qubits in the presence of decoherence    [PDF]

Kelly R. Patton, Uwe R. Fischer

1212.5237 (Konstantin E. Dorfman et al.)

Coherence-Enhanced Spaser    [PDF]

Konstantin E. Dorfman, Pankaj K. Jha, Dmitri V. Voronine, Patrice Genevet, Federico Capasso, Marlan O. Scully