Thursday, July 25, 2013

1307.6541 (Ahmad Nawaz)

The strategic form of quantum prisoners' dilemma    [PDF]

Ahmad Nawaz

1307.6214 (Emilio Cobanera et al.)

Fock Parafermions and Self-Dual Representations of the Braid Group    [PDF]

Emilio Cobanera, Gerardo Ortiz

1307.6222 (Benjamin J. Brown et al.)

Glassy topological quantum memories in two-dimensions    [PDF]

Benjamin J. Brown, Abbas Al-Shimary, Jiannis K. Pachos

1307.6229 (Salman Khan et al.)

Noisy Relativistic Quantum Games in Noninertial Frames    [PDF]

Salman Khan, M. Khalid Khan

1307.6264 (Mordecai Waegell)

Nonclassical Structures within the N-qubit Pauli Group    [PDF]

Mordecai Waegell

1307.6271 (Jun-Hua Chen et al.)

Quantum mechanical perspectives and generalization of the fractional
Fourier Transformation

Jun-Hua Chen, Hong-Yi Fan

1307.6286 (Marcio M. Santos et al.)

Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm via deterministic quantum computaion with one
qubit model

Marcio M. Santos, Eduardo I. Duzzioni

1307.6288 (Takuya Machida et al.)

Self-avoiding quantum walk in the subspace and its limit theorems    [PDF]

Takuya Machida, C. M. Chandrashekar, Norio Konno, Thomas Busch

1307.6301 (Jan Jeske et al.)

Quantum metrology in the presence of spatially correlated noise:
Restoring Heisenberg scaling

Jan Jeske, Jared H. Cole, Susana Huelga

1307.6304 (Koh Saitoh et al.)

Measuring the orbital angular momentum of electron vortex beams using a
forked grating

Koh Saitoh, Yuya Hasegawa, Kazuma Hirakawa, Nobuo Tanaka, Masaya Uchida

1307.6364 (Olivier Morin et al.)

Experimentally accessing the optimal temporal mode of traveling quantum
light states

Olivier Morin, Claude Fabre, Julien Laurat

1307.6390 (R. Augusiak et al.)

Monogamies of correlations and amplification of randomness    [PDF]

R. Augusiak, M. Demianowicz, M. Pawłowski, J. Tura, A. Acín

1307.6415 (Subhasis Panda et al.)

Metric deformation and boundary value problems in 3D    [PDF]

Subhasis Panda, S. Pratik Khastgir

1307.6416 (Detlev Buchholz)

The resolvent algebra: Ideals and dimension    [PDF]

Detlev Buchholz

1307.6424 (Guillaume Labroille et al.)

Pulse shaping with birefringent crystals: a tool for quantum metrology    [PDF]

Guillaume Labroille, Olivier Pinel, Nicolas Treps, Manuel Joffre

1307.6474 (S. Carretta et al.)

Quantum-Information Processing with Hybrid Spin-Photon Qubit Encoding    [PDF]

S. Carretta, A. Chiesa, F. Troiani, D. Gerace, G. Amoretti, P. Santini

1307.6475 (Johannes Kofler et al.)

On 'Bell violation using entangled photons without the fair-sampling

Johannes Kofler, Sven Ramelow, Marissa Giustina, Anton Zeilinger

1307.6492 (Thomas Häberle et al.)

High-dynamic-range imaging of nanoscale magnetic fields using optimal
control of a single qubit

Thomas Häberle, Dominik Schmid-Lorch, Khaled Karrai, Friedemann Reinhard, Jörg Wrachtrup

1307.6493 (Eduardo Mascarenhas et al.)

A quantum optical diode in a nonlinear-linear resonators junction    [PDF]

Eduardo Mascarenhas, Daniel Valente, Simone Montangero, Alexia Auffeves, Dario Gerace, M. Franca Santos

1307.6497 (Feng Pan et al.)

The Heine-Stieltjes correspondence and a new angular momentum projection
for many-particle systems

Feng Pan, Bo Li, Yao-Zhong Zhang, Jerry P. Draayer

1307.6538 (Itay Hen)

Period Finding with Adiabatic Quantum Computation    [PDF]

Itay Hen