Thursday, February 7, 2013

1302.1076 (Atsunori Sakurai et al.)

An approach to quantum transport based on reduced hierarchy equations of
motion: Application to a resonant tunneling diode

Atsunori Sakurai, Yoshitaka Tanimura

1302.1205 (S. Zippilli et al.)

Surface Entanglement in Quantum Spin Networks    [PDF]

S. Zippilli, S. M. Giampaolo, F. Illuminati

1302.1210 (Stefanie Barz et al.)

Solving systems of linear equations on a quantum computer    [PDF]

Stefanie Barz, Ivan Kassal, Martin Ringbauer, Yannick Ole Lipp, Borivoje Dakic, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Philip Walther

1302.1221 (Karol Bartkiewicz et al.)

Universal witness of classical correlations for two-photon states    [PDF]

Karol Bartkiewicz, Karel Lemr, Antonín Černoch, Jan Soubusta

1302.1235 (Andris Ambainis et al.)

Exact quantum query complexity of EXACT and THRESHOLD    [PDF]

Andris Ambainis, Jānis Iraids, Juris Smotrovs

1302.1242 (Thomas Vidick)

Three-player entangled XOR games are NP-hard to approximate    [PDF]

Thomas Vidick

1302.1282 (Neha Aggarwal et al.)

Quantum dynamics of two-optical modes and a single mechanical mode
optomechanical system: selective energy exchange

Neha Aggarwal, Aranya B Bhattacherjee

1302.1316 (Julio Guerrero et al.)

The Quantum Arnold Transformation and the Ermakov-Pinney equation    [PDF]

Julio Guerrero, Francisco F. López-Ruiz

1302.1330 (D. Chruściński et al.)

Stochastic evolution of finite level systems: classical vs. quantum    [PDF]

D. Chruściński, V. I. Man'ko, G. Marmo, F. Ventriglia

1302.1333 (Vicent Gimeno et al.)

Geometric approach to non-relativistic Quantum Dynamics of mixed states    [PDF]

Vicent Gimeno, Jose Sotoca

1302.1336 (Tobias Moroder et al.)

Device-independent entanglement quantification    [PDF]

Tobias Moroder, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Yeong-Cherng Liang, Martin Hofmann, Otfried Gühne

1302.1341 (Baocheng Zhang et al.)

Towards experimentally testing the paradox of black hole information

Baocheng Zhang, Qing-yu Cai, Ming-sheng Zhan, Li You

1302.1359 (U. L. Andersen et al.)

High Fidelity Teleportation of Continuous Variable Quantum States using
Delocalized Single Photons

U. L. Andersen, T. C. Ralph

1302.1394 (Ido Gilary et al.)

The time-asymmetric quantum state exchange mechanism    [PDF]

Ido Gilary, Alexei A. Mailybaev, Nimrod Moiseyev

1302.1430 (Fabrizio Buscemi et al.)

Time-evolution of tripartite quantum discord and entanglement under
local and non-local random telegraph noise

Fabrizio Buscemi, Paolo Bordone

1302.1438 (Sebastian Mai et al.)

Non-adiabatic dynamics in SO2: II. The role of triplet states studied by
surface-hopping simulations

Sebastian Mai, Philipp Marquetand, Leticia Gonzalez

1302.1448 (Boris Nowak et al.)

Non-thermal fixed points: universality, topology, & turbulence in Bose

Boris Nowak, Sebastian Erne, Markus Karl, Jan Schole, Dénes Sexty, Thomas Gasenzer

1302.1478 (Piotr Garbaczewski et al.)

Levy flights and nonlocal quantum dynamics    [PDF]

Piotr Garbaczewski, Vladimir Stephanovich

1302.1483 (K. Doan Quoc et al.)

A broad-band laser-driven double Fano system - photoelectron spectra    [PDF]

K. Doan Quoc, V. Cao Long, W. Leonski