Friday, August 10, 2012

0912.5267 (Edwin Kim et al.)

Electron Spin Resonance Shift and Linewidth Broadening of
Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond as a Function of Electron Irradiation

Edwin Kim, Victor M. Acosta, Erik Bauch, Dmitry Budker, Philip R. Hemmer

1011.5700 (Wenpin Zhang et al.)

Dependence of entanglement on initial states under amplitude damping
channel in non-inertial frames

Wenpin Zhang, Junfeng Deng, Jiliang Jing

1011.6138 (Kavan Modi)

Operational approach to open dynamics and quantifying initial

Kavan Modi

1111.4210 (Thomas Barthel et al.)

Quasi-locality and efficient simulation of Markovian quantum dynamics    [PDF]

Thomas Barthel, Martin Kliesch

1201.4359 (Andreas Christ et al.)

Exponentially enhanced quantum communication rate by multiplexing
continuous-variable teleportation

Andreas Christ, Cosmo Lupo, Christine Silberhorn

1208.1757 (M. Bordag et al.)

Comment on "Casimir Force and In Situ Surface Potential Measurements on

M. Bordag, G. L. Klimchitskaya, V. M. Mostepanenko

1208.1776 (Rusko Ruskov et al.)

On-chip quantum phonodynamics    [PDF]

Rusko Ruskov, Charles Tahan

1208.1782 (David Bermudez)

Complex SUSY Transformations and the Painleve IV Equation    [PDF]

David Bermudez

1208.1800 (Pawel Kurzynski et al.)

Quantum walk as a generalized measuring device    [PDF]

Pawel Kurzynski, Antoni Wojcik

1208.1815 (Shuro Izumi et al.)

Displacement receiver for phase-shift-keyed coherent states    [PDF]

Shuro Izumi, Masahiro Takeoka, Mikio Fujiwara, Nicola Dalla Pozza, Antonio Assalini, Kazuhiro Ema, Masahide Sasaki

1208.1861 (P. Hauke et al.)

Quantum control of spin-correlations in ultracold lattice gases    [PDF]

P. Hauke, R. J. Sewell, M. W. Mitchell, M. Lewenstein

1208.1865 (William N. Plick et al.)

Quantum orbital angular momentum of elliptically-symmetric light    [PDF]

William N. Plick, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

1208.1866 (Petr Siegl et al.)

Metric operator for the imaginary cubic oscillator does not exist    [PDF]

Petr Siegl, David Krejcirik

1208.1879 (Lee Weller et al.)

Absolute absorption and dispersion of a rubidium vapour in the hyperfine
Paschen-Back regime

Lee Weller, Kathrin S. Kleinbach, Mark A. Zentile, Svenja Knappe, Charles S. Adams, Ifan G. Hughes

1208.1882 (W. A. Bryan et al.)

Controlled redistribution of vibrational population by few-cycle
strong-field laser pulses

W. A. Bryan, C. R. Calvert, R. B. King, J. B. Greenwood, W. R. Newell, I. D. Williams

1208.1891 (Jonas Larson)

On the rotating wave approximation in the adiabatic limit    [PDF]

Jonas Larson

1208.1946 (Félix Beaudoin et al.)

First-order sidebands in circuit QED using qubit frequency modulation    [PDF]

Félix Beaudoin, Marcus P. da Silva, Zachary Dutton, Alexandre Blais

1208.1961 (Fabian H. L. Essler et al.)

Dynamical Correlations after a Quantum Quench    [PDF]

Fabian H. L. Essler, Stefano Evangelisti, Maurizio Fagotti

1208.1965 (Adan Cabello)

Quantum nonlocal boxes and nonlocal box swapping    [PDF]

Adan Cabello

1208.1980 (Miguel Angel Garcia-March et al.)

Quantum gas mixtures in different correlation regimes    [PDF]

Miguel Angel Garcia-March, Thomas Busch

1208.1987 (Nolan R. Wallach)

Shor's algorithm without partial fractions    [PDF]

Nolan R. Wallach

1208.1995 (Kiyoshi Tamaki et al.)

Unconditional security of coherent-state-based differential phase shift
quantum key distribution protocol with block-wise phase randomization

Kiyoshi Tamaki, Masato Koashi, Go Kato

1208.2024 (Artur Nogueira de São José et al.)

Toward irreversibility with a finite bath of oscillators    [PDF]

Artur Nogueira de São José, Patrícia Mascarenhas Dias, Arthur Rodrigo Bosco de Magalhães, José Geraldo Peixoto de Faria

1208.2023 (O. E. Dial et al.)

Electrometry Using Coherent Exchange Oscillations in a

O. E. Dial, M. D. Shulman, S. P. Harvey, H. Bluhm, V. Umansky, A. Yacoby