Wednesday, February 29, 2012
1001.0017 (Aram Harrow et al.)
Testing product states, quantum Merlin-Arthur games and tensor
Aram Harrow, Ashley Montanaro1005.0005 (Toby S. Cubitt et al.)
Extracting dynamical equations from experimental data is NP-hard [PDF]
Toby S. Cubitt, Jens Eisert, Michael M. Wolf1005.0915 (Cord A. Müller et al.)
Disorder and interference: localization phenomena [PDF]
Cord A. Müller, Dominique Delande1101.5222 (Bernard Silvestre-Brac et al.)
The auxiliary field method in quantum mechanics [PDF]
Bernard Silvestre-Brac, Claude Semay, Fabien Buisseret1103.0945 (Andrey Pototsky et al.)
Relativistic Brownian motion on a graphene chip [PDF]
Andrey Pototsky, Fabio Marchesoni, Feodor V. Kusmartsev, Peter Hänggi, Sergey E. Savel'ev1105.3598 (Leandro Aolita et al.)
Fully nonlocal quantum correlations [PDF]
Leandro Aolita, Rodrigo Gallego, Antonio Acín, Andrea Chiuri, Giuseppe Vallone, Paolo Mataloni, Adán Cabello1109.6666 (H. Falomir et al.)
Graphene and non-Abelian quantization [PDF]
H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, M. Loewe, M. Nieto1110.3588 (S. N. Shevchenko et al.)
Inverse Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg problem for qubit-resonator systems [PDF]
S. N. Shevchenko, S. Ashhab, Franco Nori1111.3776 (Vit Jakubsky et al.)
Supersymmetric twisting of carbon nanotubes [PDF]
Vit Jakubsky, Mikhail S. Plyushchay1201.1418 (Rémy Dubertrand et al.)
Fidelity for kicked atoms with gravity near a quantum resonance [PDF]
Rémy Dubertrand, Italo Guarneri, Sandro Wimberger1201.1696 (Jie-Qiao Liao et al.)
Spectrum of single-photon emission and scattering in cavity
optomechanics [PDF]
Jie-Qiao Liao, H. K. Cheung, C. K. Law
1201.2736 (Hiromichi Nakazato et al.)
A measurement scheme for purity based on two two-body gates [PDF]
Hiromichi Nakazato, Toru Tanaka, Kazuya Yuasa, Giuseppe Florio, Saverio Pascazio1202.5712 (Stéphanie Valleau et al.)
Exciton transport in thin-film cyanine dye J-aggregates [PDF]
Stéphanie Valleau, Semion K. Saikin, Man-Hong Yung, Alán Aspuru-Guzik1202.6337 (Nayeli Zuniga-Hansen et al.)
Effects of Noise, Correlations and errors in the preparation of initial
states in Quantum Simulations [PDF]
Nayeli Zuniga-Hansen, Yu-Chieh Chi, Mark S. Byrd
1202.6096 (B. M. Sparkes et al.)
Precision spectral manipulation: a demonstration using a coherent
optical memory [PDF]
B. M. Sparkes, C. Cairns, M. Hosseini, D. Higginbottom, G. Campbell, P. K. Lam, B. C. Buchler
1202.6100 (S. Singh et al.)
Quantum state transfer between a Bose-Einstein condensate and an
optomechanical mirror [PDF]
S. Singh, H. Jing, E. M. Wright, P. Meystre
1202.6111 (Austin G. Fowler et al.)
Topological code Autotune [PDF]
Austin G. Fowler, Adam C. Whiteside, Angus L. McInnes, Alimohammad Rabbani1202.6145 (Claudia Benedetti et al.)
Quantum correlations in continuos-time quantum walks of two
indistinguishable particles [PDF]
Claudia Benedetti, Fabrizio Buscemi, Paolo Bordone
1202.6195 (Jovica Stanojevic et al.)
Controlling the quantum state of a single photon emitted from a single
polariton [PDF]
Jovica Stanojevic, Valentina Parigi, Erwan Bimbard, Rosa Tualle-Brouri, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Philippe Grangier
1202.6210 (André Xuereb et al.)
Strong coupling and long-range collective interactions in optomechanical
arrays [PDF]
André Xuereb, Claudiu Genes, Aurélien Dantan
1202.6220 (Valerij S. Gurin et al.)
SAC-CI Calculation of a Series of the Lowest 2-Pi-States of HCl+ and
HBr+ Ions [PDF]
Valerij S. Gurin, Mikhael V. Korolkov, Vitaly E. Matulis
1202.6225 (A. Orefice et al.)
Quantum trajectories and Cushing's historical contingency [PDF]
A. Orefice, R. Giovanelli, D. Ditto1202.6257 (Daniel Nagaj et al.)
Quantum Speedup by Quantum Annealing [PDF]
Daniel Nagaj, Rolando D. Somma, Maria Kieferova1202.6286 (S. K. Lee et al.)
Phase Space Tomography of Matter-Wave Diffraction in the Talbot Regime [PDF]
S. K. Lee, M. S. Kim, C. Szewc, H. Ulbricht1202.6315 (Tomas Rybar et al.)
Simulation of indivisible qubit channels in collision models [PDF]
Tomas Rybar, Sergey N. Filippov, Mario Ziman, Vladimir Buzek1202.6356 (Francesco Intravaia et al.)
Engineering Casimir force reduction through metallic surface
nanostructuring [PDF]
Francesco Intravaia, Stephan Koev, Il Woong Jung, A. Alec Talin, Paul S. Davids, Ricardo S. Decca, Vladimir A. Aksyuk, Diego A. R. Dalvit, Daniel Lopez
1202.6361 (Sylvain Nascimbène et al.)
Experimental realization of plaquette resonating valence bond states
with ultracold atoms in optical superlattices [PDF]
Sylvain Nascimbène, Yu-Ao Chen, Macros Atala, Monika Aidelsburger, Stefan Trotzky, Belén Paredes, Immanuel Bloch
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