Monday, July 22, 2013

0912.1732 (Steven J. M. Habraken et al.)

Geometric phases in astigmatic optical modes of arbitrary order    [PDF]

Steven J. M. Habraken, Gerard Nienhuis

1105.4164 (Bhaskar Roy Bardhan et al.)

Dynamical Decoupling in Optical Fibers: Preserving Polarization Qubits
from Birefringent Dephasing

Bhaskar Roy Bardhan, Petr M. Anisimov, Manish K. Gupta, Katherine L. Brown, N. Cody Jones, Hwang Lee, Jonathan P. Dowling

1307.5282 (Laurent Boué et al.)

Analytic solution of the dynamics of quantum vortex reconnection    [PDF]

Laurent Boué, Dmytro Khomenko, Victor S. L'vov, Itamar Procaccia

1307.5062 (Donatello Dolce et al.)

The role of quantum recurrence in superconductivity, carbon nanotubes
and related gauge symmetry breaking

Donatello Dolce, Andrea Perali

1307.5075 (Arijeet Pal et al.)

Driven nonlinear dynamics of two coupled exchange-only qubits    [PDF]

Arijeet Pal, Emmanuel I. Rashba, Bertrand I. Halperin

1307.5087 (Jacob Farinholt)

Efficient Ancilla-Free Multi-Qudit Clifford Gate Decomposition in
Arbitrary Finite Dimension

Jacob Farinholt

1307.5093 (C. Creatore et al.)

An efficient biologically-inspired photocell enhanced by quantum

C. Creatore, M. A. Parker, S. Emmott, A. W. Chin

1307.5140 (Thi Ha Kyaw et al.)

Measurement-Based Quantum Computation with Two-Body Qubits via Adiabatic

Thi Ha Kyaw, Ying Li, Leong Chuan Kwek

1307.5143 (Zeph Landau et al.)

A polynomial-time algorithm for the ground state of 1D gapped local

Zeph Landau, Umesh Vazirani, Thomas Vidick

1307.5158 (C. Semay et al.)

Approximate solutions for N-body Hamiltonians with identical particles
in D dimensions

C. Semay, C. Roland

1307.5162 (Jingfu Zhang et al.)

Protected quantum computing: Interleaving gate operations with dynamical
decoupling sequences

Jingfu Zhang, Alexandre M. Souza, Frederico Dias Brandao, Dieter Suter

1307.5175 (Tilman Enss)

Transverse spin diffusion in strongly interacting Fermi gases    [PDF]

Tilman Enss

1307.5181 (Alessandro Ridolfo et al.)

Ultra-strong optical nonlinearities    [PDF]

Alessandro Ridolfo, Elena del Valle, Michael J. Hartmann

1307.5187 (Alexej I. Streltsov)

Quantum systems of ultra-cold bosons with customized inter-particle

Alexej I. Streltsov

1307.5206 (Stefano Azzini et al.)

Stimulated and spontaneous four-wave mixing in silicon-on-insulator
coupled photonic wire nano-cavities

Stefano Azzini, Davide Grassani, Matteo Galli, Dario Gerace, Maddalena Patrini, Marco Liscidini, Philippe Velha, Daniele Bajoni

1307.5220 (K. Rama Koteswara Rao et al.)

Simulation of mirror inversion of quantum states in an XY spin chain
using NMR

K. Rama Koteswara Rao, T. S. Mahesh, Anil Kumar

1307.5291 (Hadrien Kurkjian et al.)

Spin squeezing and EPR entanglement of two bimodal condensates in
state-dependent potentials

Hadrien Kurkjian, Krzysztof Pawlowski, Philipp Treutlein, Alice Sinatra

1307.5309 (Andreas Kronwald et al.)

Arbitrarily large steady-state bosonic squeezing via dissipation    [PDF]

Andreas Kronwald, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk

1307.5311 (Nicolas Didier et al.)

Dissipation-induced perfect squeezing by damping modulation in circuit
quantum electrodynamics

Nicolas Didier, Farzad Qassemi, Alexandre Blais

1307.5315 (Vahid Azimi Mousolou et al.)

Non-Abelian geometric phase for orange slice shaped paths    [PDF]

Vahid Azimi Mousolou, Erik Sjöqvist