Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1010.2067 (John C. Baez et al.)

Algorithmic Thermodynamics    [PDF]

John C. Baez, Mike Stay

1103.5076 (Joseph M. Renes et al.)

Holonomic quantum computing in symmetry-protected ground states of spin

Joseph M. Renes, Akimasa Miyake, Gavin K. Brennen, Stephen D. Bartlett

1106.1654 (O. O. Soykal et al.)

Phonitons as a sound-based analogue of cavity quantum electrodynamics    [PDF]

O. O. Soykal, Rusko Ruskov, Charles Tahan

1209.3111 (Regine Frank et al.)

Photonic transport explains the confinement of random laser modes    [PDF]

Regine Frank, Janos Sartor, Heinz Kalt

1302.6187 (Benjamin Batistić et al.)

The relevance of Brody level spacing distribution in dynamically
localized chaotic eigenstates

Benjamin Batistić, Thanos Manos, Marko Robnik

1302.6245 (Jose I. Latorre et al.)

Quantum Computation of Prime Number Functions    [PDF]

Jose I. Latorre, German Sierra

1302.6251 (U. Marzolino et al.)

Frustration, Entanglement, and Correlations in Quantum Many Body Systems    [PDF]

U. Marzolino, S. M. Giampaolo, F. Illuminati

1302.6262 (Janis Noetzel)

The depolarising channel and Horns problem    [PDF]

Janis Noetzel

1302.6278 (GianCarlo Ghirardi et al.)

On the completeness of quantum mechanics and the interpretation of the
state vector

GianCarlo Ghirardi, Raffaele Romano

1302.6284 (Minghui Xu et al.)

Simulating Open Quantum Systems using the Simple Lie Group SU(4)    [PDF]

Minghui Xu, D. A. Tieri, M. J. Holland

1302.6349 (Hal Tasaki)

"Polar" and "antiferromagnetic" order in f=1 many-boson systems    [PDF]

Hal Tasaki

1302.6366 (Ping Zhang et al.)

Dissipationless behavior of asymptotic non-Markovian dynamics within
structured environments

Ping Zhang, Bo You, Li-Xiang Cen

1302.6389 (T. Kuroda et al.)

Symmetric quantum dots as efficient sources of highly entangled photons    [PDF]

T. Kuroda, T. Mano, N. Ha, H. Nakajima, H. Kumano, B. Urbaszek, M. Jo, M. Abbarachi, Y. Sakuma, K. Sakoda, I. Suemune, X. Marie, T. Amand

1302.6438 (Shion Chen et al.)

Testing Bell's Inequality using Charmonium Decays    [PDF]

Shion Chen, Yuki Nakaguchi, Sachio Komamiya

1302.6439 (M. M. Glazov et al.)

Spin noise in polariton lasers    [PDF]

M. M. Glazov, M. A. Semina, E. Ya. Sherman, A. V. Kavokin

1302.6444 (Felipe Herrera et al.)

Entanglement creation in cold molecular gases using strong laser pulses    [PDF]

Felipe Herrera, Sabre Kais, K. Birgitta Whaley

1302.6450 (Sol H. Jacobsen et al.)

Optimal correction of independent and correlated errors    [PDF]

Sol H. Jacobsen, Florian Mintert

1302.6502 (C. Ates et al.)

Fast and quasi-deterministic single ion source from a dipole-blockaded
atomic ensemble

C. Ates, I. Lesanovsky, C. S. Adams, K. J. Weatherill

1302.6509 (Jean-Charles Forgues et al.)

Noise Intensity-Intensity Correlations and the Fourth Cumulant of
Current Fluctuations

Jean-Charles Forgues, Fatou Bintou Sane, Simon Blanchard, Lafe Spietz, Christian Lupien, Bertrand Reulet

1302.6541 (Pankaj K. Jha et al.)

Ultra-short, off-resonant, strong excitation of two-level systems    [PDF]

Pankaj K. Jha, Hichem Eleuch, Fabio Grazioso

1302.6555 (Alexander I. Nesterov et al.)

Non-Hermitian Quantum Annealing in the Antiferromagnetic Ising Chain    [PDF]

Alexander I. Nesterov, Gennady P. Berman, Juan C. Beas Zepeda, Alan R. Bishop

1302.6565 (J. Khatibi Moqadam et al.)

Analyzing Toffoli Gate in Disordered Circuit QED    [PDF]

J. Khatibi Moqadam, Renato Portugal, N. F. Svaiter, G. O. Corrêa