Friday, April 5, 2013

1112.5801 (I. V. Kanatchikov)

Precanonical Quantization and the Schrödinger Wave Functional

I. V. Kanatchikov

1304.1276 (Konstantin Y. Bliokh et al.)

Photon trajectories, anomalous velocities, and weak measurements: A
classical interpretation

Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Aleksandr Y. Bekshaev, Franco Nori

1304.1163 (Benjamin Aaronson et al.)

Freezing of quantum correlations under nondissipative decoherence is

Benjamin Aaronson, Rosario Lo Franco, Gerardo Adesso

1304.1214 (Seung-Woo Lee et al.)

Bell-state measurement and quantum teleportation using linear optics:
two-photon pairs, entangled coherent states, and hybrid entanglement

Seung-Woo Lee, Hyunseok Jeong

1304.1240 (James Q. Quach et al.)

Transformation optics for cavity array metamaterials    [PDF]

James Q. Quach, Chun-Hsu Su, Andrew D. Greentree

1304.1257 (Wei Chen et al.)

All-electrically reading out and initializing topological qubits with
quantum dots

Wei Chen, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Z. D. Wang, R. Shen, D. Y. Xing

1304.1283 (Ilki Kim)

Heat transport through a quantum Brownian harmonic chain beyond the
weak-coupling regime: An exact treatment

Ilki Kim

1304.1284 (Ran Cheng et al.)

Dynamics of antiferromagnets driven by spin current    [PDF]

Ran Cheng, Qian Niu

1304.1292 (Jayne Thompson et al.)

Recent advances in contextuality tests    [PDF]

Jayne Thompson, Pawel Kurzynski, Su-Yong Lee, Akihito Soeda, Dagomir Kaszlikowski

1304.1323 (Zhao Liu et al.)

Bulk-edge correspondence in fractional Chern insulators    [PDF]

Zhao Liu, D. L. Kovrizhin, Emil J. Bergholtz

1304.1326 (Mátyás Koniorczyk et al.)

Process optimized quantum cloners    [PDF]

Mátyás Koniorczyk, Lívia Dani, Vladimír Bužek

1304.1328 (Hongmei Wang et al.)

Density-functional theory for the spin-1 bosons in a one-dimensional
harmonic trap

Hongmei Wang, Yunbo Zhang

1304.1339 (Roman Orus et al.)

Topological Order from Geometric Entanglement    [PDF]

Roman Orus, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Oliver Buerschaper, Maarten Van den Nest

1304.1352 (Yuki Susa et al.)

Reply to "Comment on `Optimal probe wave function of weak-value
amplification' "

Yuki Susa, Yutaka Shikano, Akio Hosoya

1304.1357 (Alexander Pechen et al.)

Trap-free manipulation in the Landau-Zener system    [PDF]

Alexander Pechen, Nikolay Il'in

1304.1361 (Rafael Liberalquino et al.)

Semiclassical Ehrenfest Paths    [PDF]

Rafael Liberalquino, Fernando Parisio

1304.1376 (Amaury Mouchet)

An elementary proof of Wigner theorem on quantum transformations    [PDF]

Amaury Mouchet

1304.1435 (S. Bose et al.)

A Duality in Entanglement Enabling a Test of Quantum
Indistinguishability Unaffected by Interactions

S. Bose, D. Home

1304.1480 (Robert Bennett et al.)

Anomalous magnetic moment of an electron near a dispersive surface    [PDF]

Robert Bennett, Claudia Eberlein

1304.1490 (Joshua Silverstone et al.)

On-chip quantum interference between two silicon waveguide sources    [PDF]

Joshua Silverstone, Damien Bonneau, Kazuya Ohira, Nob Suzuki, Haruhiko Yoshida, Norio Iizuka, Mizunori Ezaki, Robert Hadfield, Val Zwiller, John Rarity, Jeremy OBrien, Mark Thompson