Friday, July 6, 2012

1106.3089 (Nilanjana Datta et al.)

Strong converse capacities of quantum channels for classical information    [PDF]

Nilanjana Datta, Milan Mosonyi, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Fernando G. S. L. Brandao

1106.5707 (Subhasis Panda et al.)

Metric deformation and boundary value problems in 2D    [PDF]

Subhasis Panda, Tapomoy Guha Sarkar, S Pratik Khastgir

1108.5168 (R. Prabhu et al.)

Conditions for Monogamy of Quantum Discord: Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger
versus W states

R. Prabhu, Arun Kumar Pati, Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen

1109.0643 (Feihu Xu et al.)

Ultrafast quantum random number generation based on quantum phase

Feihu Xu, Bing Qi, Xiongfeng Ma, He Xu, Haoxuan Zheng, Hoi-Kwong Lo

1207.0691 (Ashley Milsted et al.)

Variational Matrix Product Ansatz for Nonuniform Dynamics in the
Thermodynamic Limit

Ashley Milsted, Jutho Haegeman, Tobias J. Osborne, Frank Verstraete

1207.1271 (F. Belardinelli et al.)

Automated Verification of Quantum Protocols using MCMAS    [PDF]

F. Belardinelli, P. Gonzalez, A. Lomuscio

1207.1111 (Laura Mancinska et al.)

A Generalization of Kochen-Specker Sets Relates Quantum Coloring to
Entanglement-Assisted Channel Capacity

Laura Mancinska, Giannicola Scarpa, Simone Severini

1207.1138 (Yuichiro Fujiwara)

Asynchronous quantum metadata    [PDF]

Yuichiro Fujiwara

1207.1139 (Troy W. Borneman et al.)

High-Fidelity Control in High-Q Resonators    [PDF]

Troy W. Borneman, David G. Cory

1207.1176 (Carl M. Bender et al.)

Unbounded C-symmetries and their nonuniqueness    [PDF]

Carl M. Bender, Sergii Kuzhel

1207.1196 (A. Dabrowska et al.)

Filtering equation for a measurement of a coherent channel    [PDF]

A. Dabrowska, P. Staszewski

1207.1197 (Koenraad M. R. Audenaert)

Quantum Sandwich Bounds    [PDF]

Koenraad M. R. Audenaert

1207.1200 (J. P. Gazeau et al.)

Pisot q-Coherent states quantization of the harmonic oscillator    [PDF]

J. P. Gazeau, M. A. del Olmo

1207.1203 (Io-Chun Hoi et al.)

Giant Cross Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an
Artificial Atom

Io-Chun Hoi, C. M. Wilson, Göran Johansson, Tauno Palomaki, Thomas M. Stace, Bixuan Fan, Per Delsing

1207.1212 (Pawel Kurzynski et al.)

Practically state-independent test of contextuality with 9 observables    [PDF]

Pawel Kurzynski, Dagomir Kaszlikowski

1207.1218 (Babatunde J. Falaye et al.)

Approximate bound state solutions of the deformed Woods-Saxon potential
using asymptotic iteration method

Babatunde J. Falaye, Majid Hamzavi, Sameer M. Ikhdair

1207.1227 (Eugene Gutkin et al.)

Joint numerical ranges, quantum maps, and joint numerical shadows    [PDF]

Eugene Gutkin, Karol Zyczkowski

1207.1243 (Felipe F. Fanchini et al.)

Shielding quantum discord through continuous dynamical decoupling    [PDF]

Felipe F. Fanchini, Emanuel F. de Lima, Leonardo K. Castelano

1207.1248 (Luca Lusanna et al.)

On the Transition from the Quantum to the Classical Regime for Massive
Scalar Particles: A Spatiotemporal Approach

Luca Lusanna, Massimo Pauri

1207.1274 (Svetlana V. Boriskina)

Photonic molecules and spectral engineering    [PDF]

Svetlana V. Boriskina

1207.1275 (Yao Yao et al.)

Quantum discord in quantum random access codes and its connection with
dimension witness

Yao Yao, Hong-Wei Li, Xu-Bo Zou, Jing-Zheng Huang, Chun-Mei Zhang, Zhen-Qiang Yin, Wei Chen, Guang-Can Guo, Zheng-Fu Han

1207.1297 (Paul B. Slater)

Bures and Hilbert-Schmidt 2 x 2 Determinantal Moments    [PDF]

Paul B. Slater

1207.1298 (Tiago Debarba et al.)

Witnessed entanglement and the geometric measure of quantum discord    [PDF]

Tiago Debarba, Thiago O. Maciel, Reinaldo O. Vianna