Thursday, June 20, 2013

1306.4061 (Roland E. Allen)

The London-Anderson-Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble-Weinberg
mechanism and Higgs boson reveal the unity and future excitement of physics

Roland E. Allen

1306.4533 (Dieter Schuch et al.)

Interrelations between different canonical descriptions of dissipative

Dieter Schuch, Julio Guerrero, Francisco F. López-Ruiz, Victor Aldaya

1306.4313 (Aaron Kelly et al.)

Efficient and accurate surface hopping for long time nonadiabatic
quantum dynamics

Aaron Kelly, Thomas E. Markland

1306.4352 (David Reeb et al.)

(Im-)Proving Landauer's Principle    [PDF]

David Reeb, Michael M. Wolf

1306.4364 (Arnaud Leclerc et al.)

Discussion of the adiabatic hypothesis in control schemes using
exceptional points

Arnaud Leclerc, Georges Jolicard, John P. Killingbeck

1306.4370 (M. Asorey et al.)

Attractive and Repulsive Casimir Vacuum Energy with General Boundary

M. Asorey, J. M. Munoz-Castaneda

1306.4396 (C. Perrella et al.)

High-Effciency Cross-Phase Modulation in a Gas-Filled Waveguide    [PDF]

C. Perrella, P. S. Light, J. D. Anstie, F. Benabid, T. M. Stace, A. G. White, A. N. Luiten

1306.4413 (Yang Liu et al.)

Experimental unconditionally secure bit commitment    [PDF]

Yang Liu, Yuan Cao, Marcos Curty, Sheng-Kai Liao, Jian Wang, Ke Cui, Yu-Huai Li, Ze-Hong Lin, Qi-Chao Sun, Dong-Dong Li, Hong-Fei Zhang, Yong Zhao, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Qiang Zhang, Adan Cabello, Jian-Wei Pan

1306.4451 (Wei Song et al.)

Enhancing entanglement of noisy two-qubit states via entanglement

Wei Song, Zhuo-Liang Cao

1306.4453 (Shailesh Kumar et al.)

Propagation of plasmons in designed single crystalline silver

Shailesh Kumar, Ying-Wei Lu, Alexander Huck, Ulrik L. Andersen

1306.4474 (Jason Doukas et al.)

Discriminating quantum field theories in curved spacetime    [PDF]

Jason Doukas, Gerardo Adesso, Stefano Pirandola, Andrzej Dragan

1306.4480 (Hans-Thomas Elze)

Quantum-classical hybrid dynamics - a summary    [PDF]

Hans-Thomas Elze

1306.4498 (Tomaz Prosen et al.)

Families of quasi-local conservation laws and quantum spin transport    [PDF]

Tomaz Prosen, Enej Ilievski

1306.4506 (Jarosław Adam Miszczak et al.)

General model for a entanglement-enhanced composed quantum game on a
two-dimensional lattice

Jarosław Adam Miszczak, Łukasz Pawela, Jan Sładkowski

1306.4532 (Ross Duncan et al.)

Verifying the Steane code with Quantomatic    [PDF]

Ross Duncan, Maxime Lucas

1306.4556 (Klaas J. H. Giesbertz et al.)

Long-range interactions and the sign of natural amplitudes in
two-electron systems

Klaas J. H. Giesbertz, Robert van Leeuwen

1306.4576 (M. A. Jafarizadeh et al.)

Quantum Discord for Generalized Bloch Sphere States    [PDF]

M. A. Jafarizadeh, H. Zahir, N. Karimi

1306.4610 (A. G. Volosniev et al.)

Strongly-interacting fermions in one dimension and microscopic magnetism    [PDF]

A. G. Volosniev, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, M. Valiente, N. T. Zinner

1306.4613 (Paul Benioff)

Effects of gauge theory based number scaling on geometry    [PDF]

Paul Benioff

1306.4617 (Peter Asenbaum et al.)

Cavity cooling of free silicon nanoparticles in high-vacuum    [PDF]

Peter Asenbaum, Stefan Kuhn, Stefan Nimmrichter, Ugur Sezer, Markus Arndt

1306.4646 (Travis Norsen et al.)

Yet Another Snapshot of Foundational Attitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics    [PDF]

Travis Norsen, Sarah Nelson