Friday, March 23, 2012

1101.1671 (Simeon Sauer et al.)

Entanglement resonances of driven multi-partite quantum systems    [PDF]

Simeon Sauer, Florian Mintert, Andreas Buchleitner

1105.1462 (M. D. Schroer et al.)

Field Tuning the G-Factor in InAs Nanowire Double Quantum Dots    [PDF]

M. D. Schroer, K. D. Petersson, M. Jung, J. R. Petta

1106.2178 (S. A. R. Horsley)

On the consistency of certain constitutive relations with quantum

S. A. R. Horsley

1108.4756 (M. F. Abdul Khir et al.)

Weak+Vacuum and One Decoy State with Two Way Quantum Key Distribution

M. F. Abdul Khir, S. Shaari

1110.1203 (Yukinao Akamatsu et al.)

Stochastic potential and quantum decoherence of heavy quarkonium in the
quark-gluon plasma

Yukinao Akamatsu, Alexander Rothkopf

1110.1429 (Yan-Min Hu et al.)

Adiabatic Mach-Zehnder interferometer via an array of trapped ions    [PDF]

Yan-Min Hu, Mang Feng, Chaohong Lee

1110.3337 (Guillermo Chacón-Acosta et al.)

Effective quantum equations for the semiclassical description of the
Hydrogen atom

Guillermo Chacón-Acosta, Héctor H. Hernández

1110.4980 (Yi-Fei Wang et al.)

Non-Abelian Quantum Hall Effect in Topological Flat Bands    [PDF]

Yi-Fei Wang, Hong Yao, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Chang-De Gong, D. N. Sheng

1110.6718 (Peng-Bo Li et al.)

Dissipative preparation of entangled states between two spatially
separated nitrogen-vacancy centers

Peng-Bo Li, Shao-Yan Gao, Hong-Rong Li, Sheng-Li Ma, Fu-Li Li

1111.1088 (G. C. Hegerfeldt et al.)

Discriminating between the von Neumann and Lüders reduction rule    [PDF]

G. C. Hegerfeldt, R. Sala Mayato

1111.1531 (Dominic Hosler et al.)

Information gap for classical and quantum communication in a
Schwarzschild spacetime

Dominic Hosler, Carsten van de Bruck, Pieter Kok

1201.4610 (D. L. McAuslan et al.)

Reducing decoherence in optical and spin transitions in rare-earth-ion
doped materials

D. L. McAuslan, J. G. Bartholomew, M. J. Sellars, J. J. Longdell

1203.5056 (Avinash Kolli et al.)

The fundamental role of localised vibrations in excitation dynamics in
photosynthetic light-harvesting systems

Avinash Kolli, Edward J. O'Reilly, Gregory D. Scholes, Alexandra Olaya-Castro

1203.4816 (Norbert Schuch et al.)

Resonating valence bonds states in the PEPS formalism    [PDF]

Norbert Schuch, Didier Poilblanc, J. Ignacio Cirac, David Perez-Garcia

1203.4834 (Xiao-song Ma et al.)

Experimental delayed-choice entanglement swapping    [PDF]

Xiao-song Ma, Stefan Zotter, Johannes Kofler, Rupert Ursin, Thomas Jennewein, Časlav Brukner, Anton Zeilinger

1203.4838 (M. I. Dyakonov)

Model for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect problem    [PDF]

M. I. Dyakonov

1203.4843 (Pantita Palittapongarnpim et al.)

A Monolithic Filter Cavity for Experiments in Quantum Optics    [PDF]

Pantita Palittapongarnpim, Andrew MacRae, A. I. Lvovsky

1203.4878 (Bryan J. Dalton et al.)

Grassmann Variables and the Jaynes-Cummings Model    [PDF]

Bryan J. Dalton, Barry M. Garraway, John Jeffers, Stephen M. Barnett

1203.4885 (Abel Molina)

Parallel Repetition of Prover-Verifier Quantum Interactions    [PDF]

Abel Molina

1203.4909 (Yong Wook Cheong et al.)

Balance between information gain and reversibility in weak measurement    [PDF]

Yong Wook Cheong, Seung-Woo Lee

1203.4922 (Clive Emary)

A Bell's inequality for the moment generating function of transferred

Clive Emary

1203.4940 (D. Stucki et al.)

Long term performance of the SwissQuantum quantum key distribution
network in a field environment

D. Stucki, M. Legre, F. Buntschu, B. Clausen, N. Felber, N. Gisin, L. Henzen, P. Junod, G. Litzistorf, P. Monbaron, L. Monat, J. -B. Page, D. Perroud, G. Ribordy, A. Rochas, S. Robyr, J. Tavares, R. Thew, P. Trinkler, S. Ventura, R. Voirol, N. Walenta, H. Zbinden

1203.4944 (N. E. Koval et al.)

Dynamic screening of a localized hole during photoemission from a metal

N. E. Koval, D. Sánchez-Portal, A. G. Borisov, R. Díez Muiño

1203.4968 (Lars Erik Würflinger et al.)

Useful multipartite correlations from useless reduced states    [PDF]

Lars Erik Würflinger, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Antonio Acín, Nicolas Gisin, Tamas Vertesi

1203.4977 (Gernot Schaller)

Fighting Decoherence by Feedback-controlled Dissipation    [PDF]

Gernot Schaller

1203.4986 (Babette Döbrich et al.)

Magnetically amplified light-shining-through-walls via virtual
minicharged particles

Babette Döbrich, Holger Gies, Norman Neitz, Felix Karbstein

1203.4988 (Bob Coecke et al.)

Strong complementarity and non-locality in categorical quantum mechanics    [PDF]

Bob Coecke, Ross Duncan, Aleks Kissinger, Quanlong Wang

1203.5011 (D. Kochan et al.)

The Pauli equation with complex boundary conditions    [PDF]

D. Kochan, D. Krejcirik, R. Novak, P. Siegl

1203.5024 (Luke S. Langsjoen et al.)

Qubit relaxation from evanescent-wave Johnson noise    [PDF]

Luke S. Langsjoen, Amrit Poudel, Maxim G. Vavilov, Robert Joynt

1203.5039 (M. Chabab et al.)

Analytic l-state solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation for q-deformed
Woods-Saxon plus generalized ring shape potential

M. Chabab, A. Lahbas, M. Oulne

1203.5041 (Niklas Rohling et al.)

Universal Quantum Computing with Spin and Valley    [PDF]

Niklas Rohling, Guido Burkard

1203.5068 (M. F. Cornelio et al.)

Sudden Quantum-to-Classical Transition Through the Dynamics of

M. F. Cornelio, O. Jiménez Farías, F. F. Fanchini, I. Frerot, G. H. Aguilar, M. O. Hor-Meyll, M. C. de Oliveira, S. P. Walborn, A. O. Caldeira, P. H. Souto Ribeiro

1203.5087 (S. Campbell et al.)

Critical assessment of two-qubit post-Markovian master equations    [PDF]

S. Campbell, A. Smirne, L. Mazzola, N. Lo Gullo, B. Vacchini, Th. Busch, M. Paternostro

1203.5094 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)

Interaction-induced conducting-nonconducting transition of ultra-cold
atoms in 1D optical lattices

Chih-Chun Chien, Massimiliano Di Ventra, Michael Zwolak