Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1103.3295 (Selcuk S. Bayin)

Time Fractional Schrödinger Equation; Fox's H-functions and the
Effective Potential

Selcuk S. Bayin

1107.4735 (Holger F. Hofmann et al.)

Estimation of a quantum interaction parameter using weak measurements:
Theory and experiment

Holger F. Hofmann, Michael E. Goggin, Marcelo P. Almeida, Marco Barbieri

1210.5518 (Salvatore R. Manmana et al.)

Topological phases in polar-molecule quantum magnets    [PDF]

Salvatore R. Manmana, E. M. Stoudenmire, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Ana Maria Rey, Alexey V. Gorshkov

1210.5527 (Paul Fendley et al.)

Fibonacci topological order from quantum nets    [PDF]

Paul Fendley, Sergei V. Isakov, Matthias Troyer

1210.5530 (Marcin Markiewicz et al.)

Detecting three or more partite entanglement of pure states with
bipartite correlations

Marcin Markiewicz, Wieslaw Laskowski, Tomasz Paterek, Marek Zukowski

1210.5531 (Christian Schilling et al.)

Pinning of Fermionic Occupation Numbers    [PDF]

Christian Schilling, David Gross, Matthias Christandl

1210.5538 (Gregory Quiroz et al.)

Optimized Dynamical Decoupling via Genetic Algorithms    [PDF]

Gregory Quiroz, Daniel A. Lidar

1210.5555 (J. R. Schaibley et al.)

Demonstration of quantum entanglement between a single quantum dot
electron spin and a photon

J. R. Schaibley, A. P. Burgers, G. A. McCracken, L-M Duan, P. R. Berman, D. G. Steel, A. S. Bracker, D. Gammon, L. J. Sham

1210.5574 (K. Jensen et al.)

Light narrowing of magnetic resonances in ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy
centers in diamond

K. Jensen, V. M. Acosta, A. Jarmola, D. Budker

1210.5601 (Norbert Schuch et al.)

Boundary Hamiltonians for topological models and Projected Entangled
Pair States

Norbert Schuch, Didier Poilblanc, J. Ignacio Cirac, David Perez-Garcia

1210.5609 (Ali Mahdifar et al.)

Two Dimensional Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator on a Time-dependent Sphere    [PDF]

Ali Mahdifar, Behrouz Mirza, Rasoul Roknizadeh

1210.5613 (X. Z. Zhang et al.)

Non-Hermitian anisotropic XY model with intrinsic rotation-time reversal

X. Z. Zhang, Z. Song

1210.5625 (Daniel Burgarth et al.)

Ergodic and Mixing Quantum Channels in Finite Dimensions    [PDF]

Daniel Burgarth, Giulio Chiribella, Vittorio Giovannetti, Paolo Perinotti, Kazuya Yuasa

1210.5645 (Karen M. Fonseca-Romero et al.)

A statistical portrait of the entanglement decay of two-qubit memories    [PDF]

Karen M. Fonseca-Romero, Julián Martínez-Rincón, Carlos Viviescas

1210.5646 (Reinhold A. Bertlmann et al.)

Time-ordering Dependence of Measurements in Teleportation    [PDF]

Reinhold A. Bertlmann, Heide Narnhofer, Walter Thirring

1210.5656 (R. K. Shrestha et al.)

Fidelity of the quantum delta-kicked accelerator    [PDF]

R. K. Shrestha, S. Wimberger, J. Ni, W. K. Lam, G. S. Summy

1210.5657 (R. K. Shrestha et al.)

The Off-Resonant Ratchet: A Study of the Crossover Between Classical and
Quantum Dynamics

R. K. Shrestha, W. K. Lam, J. Ni, G. S. Summy

1210.5681 (Guang Ping He)

(In)security of quantum oblivious transfer based on secure bit

Guang Ping He

1210.5747 (Andreas Doering et al.)

Self-adjoint Operators as Functions II: Quantum Probability    [PDF]

Andreas Doering, Barry Dewitt

1210.5748 (Quirin Hummel et al.)

A geometrical approach to the mean density of states in many-body
quantum systems

Quirin Hummel, Juan Diego Urbina, Klaus Richter

1210.5788 (Jinhua Zou et al.)

Generation of two-mode entanglement via atomic coherence created by
non-resonant dressed-state transitions

Jinhua Zou, Dahai Xu, Huafeng Zhang

1210.5797 (K. Mikelsons et al.)

Quasi-universal transient behavior of a nonequilibrium Mott insulator
driven by an electric field

K. Mikelsons, J. K. Freericks, H. R. Krishnamurthy

1210.5798 (Fei Liu)

Operator equality on entropy production in quantum Markovian master

Fei Liu

1210.5799 (Joydip Ghosh et al.)

Surface code with decoherence: An analysis of three superconducting

Joydip Ghosh, Austin G. Fowler, Michael R. Geller

1210.5821 (Peter Reimann)

Equilibration of Isolated Macroscopic Quantum Systems under
Experimentally Realistic Conditions

Peter Reimann

1210.5827 (Ryszard Tanaś)

Evolution of quantum correlations in a two-atom system    [PDF]

Ryszard Tanaś

1210.5832 (Alaa Sagheer et al.)

Some Properties of Multi-Qubit States in Non-Inertial Frames    [PDF]

Alaa Sagheer, Hala Hamdoun

1210.5886 (M. Hamzavi et al.)

Approximate analytical solution of the Yukawa potential with arbitrary
angular momenta

M. Hamzavi, M. Movahedi, K. -E. Thylwe, A. A. Rajabi

1210.5891 (M. Hamzavi et al.)

The Rotation-Vibration Spectrum of Diatomic Molecules with the Tietz-Hua
Rotating oscillator

M. Hamzavi, A. A. Rajabi, K. -E. Thylwe

1210.5894 (M. Hamzavi et al.)

Exact S-Wave Solution of the Trigonometric Poschl-Teller Potential    [PDF]

M. Hamzavi, A. A. Rajabi

1210.5944 (Bruno Sanguinetti et al.)

Measuring absolute spectral radiance using an Erbium Doped Fibre

Bruno Sanguinetti, Thiago Guerreiro, Fernando Monteiro, Nicolas Gisin, Hugo Zbinden

1210.5945 (D. S. Tasca et al.)

Reliable Entanglement Detection Under Coarse--Grained Measurements    [PDF]

D. S. Tasca, Łukasz Rudnicki, R. M. Gomes, F. Toscano, S. P. Walborn

1210.5978 (Joe Henson)

Quantum contextuality from a simple principle?    [PDF]

Joe Henson

1210.5995 (S. A. Rakityansky et al.)

A method for extracting the resonance parameters from experimental cross

S. A. Rakityansky, N. Elander