Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1004.4050 (Haidong Yuan et al.)

Controllability on relaxation-free subspaces: On the relationship
between adiabatic population transfer and optimal control

Haidong Yuan, Christiane Koch, Peter Salamon, David Tannor
We consider the optimal control problem of transferring population between states of a quantum system where the coupling proceeds only via intermediate states that are subject to decay. We pose the question whether it is generally possible to carry out this transfer. For a single intermediate decaying state, we recover the Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP) process which we identify as the global optimum in the limit of infinite control time. We also present analytic solutions for the case of transfer that has to proceed via two consecutive intermediate decaying states. We show that in this case, for finite power the optimal control does not approach perfect state transfer even in the infinite time limit. We generalize our findings to characterize the topologies of paths that can be achieved by coherent control under the assumption of finite power.
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