Thursday, March 1, 2012

1101.1420 (M. J. Everitt et al.)

Overcoming decoherence in the collapse and revival of spin Schrödinger

M. J. Everitt, W. J. Munro, T. P. Spiller
In addition to being a very interesting quantum phenomenon, Schr\"odinger cat swapping has the potential for application in the preparation of quantum states that could be used in metrology and other quantum processing. We study in detail the effects of field decoherence on a cat-swapping system comprising a set of identical qubits, or spins, all coupled to a field mode. We demonstrate that increasing the number of spins actually mitigates the effects of field decoherence on the collapse and revival of a spin Schr\"odinger cat, which could be of significant utility in quantum metrology and other quantum processing.
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