Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1203.0911 (Denis Rosset et al.)

Imperfect measurements settings: implications on quantum state
tomography and entanglement witnesses

Denis Rosset, Raphael Ferretti-Schöbitz, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Nicolas Gisin, Yeong-Cherng Liang
Reliable and well-characterized quantum resources are indispensable ingredients in quantum information processing. Typically, in a realistic characterization of these resources, imperfect apparatuses result in unavoidable uncertainties and thus give rise to systematic errors. While this is usually accounted for through careful calibration, the effect of such imperfections on the characterization of quantum resources has been largely overlooked in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the effect of systematic errors that arise from imperfect alignment of measurement bases. We show that characterization of quantum resources using quantum state tomography or entanglement witnesses can be undermined with an amount of systematic error that is not uncommon in the laboratories. Curiously, for quantum state tomography, we found that having entanglement can help to reduce the susceptibility to this kind of error. We also briefly discuss how a given entanglement witness can be modified to incorporate the effect of such errors.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.0911

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