Thursday, March 8, 2012

1203.1220 (Giovanni Luca Gattobigio et al.)

Optically guided beam splitter for propagating matter waves    [PDF]

Giovanni Luca Gattobigio, Antoine Couvert, Gael Reinaudi, Bertrand Georgeot, David Guery-Odelin
We study experimentally and theoretically a beam splitter setup for guided atomic matter waves. The matter wave is a guided atom laser that can be tuned from quasi-monomode to a regime where many transverse modes are populated, and propagates in a horizontal dipole beam until it crosses another horizontal beam at 45$^{\rm o}$. We show that depending on the parameters of this $X$ configuration, the atoms can all end up in one of the two beams (the system behaves as a perfect guide switch), or be split between the four available channels (the system behaves as a beam splitter). The splitting regime results from a chaotic scattering dynamics. The existence of these different regimes turns out to be robust against small variations of the parameters of the system. From numerical studies, we also propose a scheme that provides a robust and controlled beam splitter in two channels only.
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