Friday, March 23, 2012

1203.4968 (Lars Erik Würflinger et al.)

Useful multipartite correlations from useless reduced states    [PDF]

Lars Erik Würflinger, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Antonio Acín, Nicolas Gisin, Tamas Vertesi
Understanding what can be inferred about a multi-particle quantum system from only the knowledge of its subparts is a highly non-trivial task. Clearly, if the global system doesn't contain any information resource, nor do its subparts. However, is the converse also true? We show that the answer to is negative. We provide three two-qubit states that are non-entangled, but such that any three-qubit state compatible with them is entangled. Entanglement can thus be deduced from the mere observation of separable reduced states. We extend this finding to correlations and provide local marginal correlations that are only compatible with global genuinely tripartite non-local correlations.
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