Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1204.4728 (F. F. Assaad et al.)

Quantum Spin Models from Flux Tubes in Correlated Topological Insulators    [PDF]

F. F. Assaad, M. Bercx, M. Hohenadler
We demonstrate that spin fluxon states generated by \pi\ fluxes can be used in quantum Monte Carlo simulations to identify a correlated Z_2 topological insulator. In the presence of repulsive electronic interactions, the spin fluxons form localized, low-energy spin-1/2 degrees of freedom with a distinct Curie law in the magnetic susceptibility. Electronic correlations generate a bosonic mode of magnetic excitons with tunable energy that act as exchange particles and mediate a dynamical spin-spin interaction of adjustable range and strength. In combination with the freedom to create almost arbitrary spin lattices, correlated topological insulators with \pi\ fluxes represent a novel kind of quantum simulator useful for numerical simulations and experiments.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.4728

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