Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1204.5265 (Yimin Wang et al.)

State-dependent atomic excitation by multi-photon pulses propagating
along two spatial modes

Yimin Wang, Jiří Minář, Valerio Scarani
We investigate the dynamics of a single two-level atom, which interacts with pulses propagating in two spatial-modes (right and left) and frequency-continuum. Using Heisenberg equations of motion, we present the explicit analytical derivations and general formalisms for atomic excitation with two spatial-mode multi-photon pulses in both Fock state and coherent state. Based on those formalisms, we show that perfect atomic excitation by single photon Fock state pulse can only be realized when it is rising-exponentially shaped in the even-mode---a balanced superposition of the two spatial-modes. Single photon from single spatial-mode can only give half of the maximal atomic excitation probability. We also show that the maximum atomic excitation probability with multi-photon pulses in the even-mode is a monotonic function of the average photon number for coherent state, but not for Fock states. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the atomic dynamics can be controlled by the relative phase between the two counter-propagating coherent state pulses incident on the atom, which is not the case with two Fock state pulses.
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