Thursday, May 10, 2012

1205.1876 (Guangjiong Dongy et al.)

Cavity-meidated collisionless sympathetic cooling of molecules with

Guangjiong Dongy, Chang Wang, Weiping Zhang
Cooling a range of molecules to ultracold temperatures (<1 mK) is a difficult but important challenge in molecular physics and chemistry. Collective cavity cooling of molecules is a promising method that does not rely on molecular energy level and thus can be applied to all molecules in principle. However, the initial lack of cold molecules leads to the difficulty in its experimental implementation. We show that efficient collective sympathetic cooling of molecules to sub-mK temperatures using a large ensemble of atoms within a cavity is feasible. This approach is a new type of sympathetic cooling which does not rely on direct collisions between atoms and molecules, but utilizes thermalization via their mutual interaction with a cavity field. Two important mechanisms are identified. This include: (1) giant enhancement of cavity optical field from the efficient scattering of the pump light by the atoms; (2) cavity-mediated collective interaction between the atoms and the molecules. We show an optimal cavity detuning for maximizing cooling, which is dependent on the atom and molecule numbers. We determine a threshold for the molecular pump strength and show that it is independent of molecule number when the number of atoms is much greater than the molecules. This can be reduced by orders of magnitude when compared to cavity cooling of single molecular species only. Using this new sympathetic cavity cooling technique, cooling molecules to sub-mK within a high-Q cavity could be within reach of experimental demonstration.
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