Thursday, May 31, 2012

1205.6596 (Wolfgang Niedenzu et al.)

Quantum-correlated motion and heralded entanglement of distant
optomechanically coupled objects

Wolfgang Niedenzu, Raimar M. Sandner, Claudiu Genes, Helmut Ritsch
The motion of two distant trapped particles or mechanical oscillators can be strongly coupled by light modes in a high finesse optical resonator. In a two mode ring cavity geometry, trapping, cooling and coupling is implemented by the same modes. While the cosine mode provides for trapping, the sine mode facilitates ground state cooling and mediates non-local interactions. For classical point particles the centre-of-mass mode is strongly damped and the individual momenta get anti-correlated. Surprisingly, quantum fluctuations induce the opposite effect of positively-correlated particle motion, which close to zero temperature generates entanglement. The non-classical correlations and entanglement are dissipation-induced and particularly strong after detection of a scattered photon in the sine mode. This allows for heralded entanglement by post-selection. Entanglement is concurrent with squeezing of the particle distance and relative momenta while the centre-of-mass observables acquires larger uncertainties.
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