Sunday, June 10, 2012

0910.4151 (Matthias Christandl et al.)

Entanglement of the Antisymmetric State    [PDF]

Matthias Christandl, Norbert Schuch, Andreas Winter
We analyse the entanglement of the antisymmetric state in dimension d x d and present two main results. First, we show that the amount of secrecy that can be extracted from the state is low, more precisely, the distillable key is bounded by O(1/d). Second, we show that the state is highly entangled in the sense that a large number of ebits are needed in order to create the state: entanglement cost is larger than a constant, independent of d. The second result is shown to imply that the regularised relative entropy with respect to separable states is also lower bounded by a constant. Finally, we note that the regularised relative entropy of entanglement is asymptotically continuous in the state. Elementary and advanced facts from the representation theory of the unitary group, including the concept of plethysm, play a central role in the proofs of the main results.
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