Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1206.0852 (Janik Wolters et al.)

Ultrafast spectral diffusion measurement on nitrogen vacancy centers in
nanodiamonds using correlation interferometry

Janik Wolters, Nikola Sadzak, Andreas W. Schell, Tim Schröder, Oliver Benson
Spectral diffusion is the phenomenon of random jumps in the emission wavelength of narrow lines. This phenomenon is a major hurdle for applications of solid state quantum emitters like quantum dots, molecules or diamond defect centers in an integrated quantum optical technology. Here, we provide further insight into the underlying processes of spectral diffusion of the zero phonon line of single nitrogen vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by using a novel method based on photon correlation interferometry. The method works although the spectral diffusion rate is several orders of magnitude higher than the photon detection rate and thereby improves the time resolution of previous experiments with nanodiamonds by six orders of magnitude. We study the dependency of the spectral diffusion rate on the excitation power, temperature, and excitation wavelength under off-resonant excitation. Our results suggest a strategy to increase the number of spectrally indistinguishable photons emitted by diamond nanocrystals.
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