Friday, July 6, 2012

1207.1243 (Felipe F. Fanchini et al.)

Shielding quantum discord through continuous dynamical decoupling    [PDF]

Felipe F. Fanchini, Emanuel F. de Lima, Leonardo K. Castelano
This work investigates the use of dynamical decoupling to shield quantum discord from errors introduced by the environment. Specifically, a two-qubits system interacting with independent baths of bosons are considered. The initial conditions of the system were chosen as pure and mixed states, while the dynamical decoupling is achieved by means of continuous fields. The effects of the temperature on the shielding of dynamical discord is also studied. It is found that, depending on the initial state of the system, protecting dynamical discord via dynamical decoupling technique may not be advantageous compared to the free-evolution of the system below a certain time, which depends on the frequency of the protective field. Above this time, the shielding through dynamical decoupling becomes effective in comparison to the system free evolution. It is also shown that the time for which the shielding of the quantum discord becomes effective decreases as the temperature increases.
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