Tuesday, July 10, 2012

1207.1979 (Ananya Ghatak et al.)

Spectral singularity and deep multiple minima in the reflectivity in
non-Hermitian (complex) Ginocchio potential

Ananya Ghatak, Bhabani Prasad Mandal, Zafar Ahmed
We bring out the existence of at most one spectral singularity (SS) and deep multiple minima in the reflectivity of the non-Hermitian (complex) Ginocchio potential. We find a parameter dependent single spectral singularity in this potential provided the imaginary part is emissive (not absorptive). The reflectionlessness of the real Hermitian Ginocchio's potential at discrete positive energies gives way to deep multiple minima in reflectivity when this potential is perturbed and made non-Hermitian (complex). A novel co-existence of a SS with deep minima in reflectivity is also revealed wherein the first reflectivity zero of the Hermitian case changes to become a SS for the non-Hermitian case. {PACS: 03.65.Nk,11.30.Er,42.25.Bs}
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.1979

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