Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1207.6885 (Raymond Y. Chiao et al.)

Parametric Oscillation of a Moving Mirror Driven by Radiation Pressure
in a Superconducting Fabry-Perot Resonating System

Raymond Y. Chiao, Luis A. Martinez, Stephen J. Minter, Alexey Trubarov
A moving pellicle superconducting mirror, which is driven by radiation pressure on its one side, and by the Coulomb force on its other side, can become a parametric oscillator that can generate microwaves when placed within a high-Q superconducting Fabry-Perot resonator system. A paraxial-wave analysis shows that the fundamental resonator eigenmode needed for parametric oscillation is the TM011 mode. A double Fabry-Perot structure is introduced to resonate the pump and the idler modes, but to reject the parasitic anti-Stokes mode. The threshold for oscillation is estimated based on the radiation-pressure coupling of the pump to the signal and idler modes, and indicates that the experiment is feasible to perform.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.6885

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