Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1208.5632 (Kim Joris Boström)

Combining Bohm and Everett: Axiomatics for a Standalone Quantum

Kim Joris Boström
A non-relativistic quantum mechanical theory is proposed that combines elements of Bohmian mechanics and of Everett's "many-worlds" interpretation. The resulting theory has the advantage of resolving known issues of both theories, as well as those of conventional quantum mechanics. It has a clear ontology and a set of precisely defined axioms from where the predictions of conventional quantum mechanics can be derived. The probability of measurement outcomes is traced back to an application of the Laplacian rule which is taken to be primitive. The theory describes a continuum of worlds rather than a single world or a discrete set of worlds, so it is similar in spirit to many-worlds interpretations based on Everett's theory, without being actually reducible to these. In particular, there is no "splitting of worlds", which is an essential feature of Everett-type theories. The theory applies techniques developed in the framework of Bohmian mechanics, without relying on all of the ontological and formal premises of Bohmian mechanics. Most importantly, the Born rule is derived without reliance on a "quantum equilibrium hypothesis" that is crucial for Bohmian mechanics, and without reliance on a "branch weight" that is crucial for Everett-type theories.
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