Monday, September 3, 2012

1107.4034 (M. Cullimore et al.)

The relationship between minimum gap and success probability in
adiabatic quantum computing

M. Cullimore, M. J. Everitt, M. A. Ormerod, J. H. Samson, R. D. Wilson, A. M. Zagoskin
We explore the relationship between two figures of merit for an adiabatic quantum computation process: the success probability $P$ and the minimum gap $\Delta_{min}$ between the ground and first excited states, investigating to what extent the success probability for an ensemble of problem Hamiltonians can be fitted by a function of $\Delta_{min}$ and the computation time $T$. We study a generic adiabatic algorithm and show that a rich structure exists in the distribution of $P$ and $\Delta_{min}$. In the case of two qubits, $P$ is to a good approximation a function of $\Delta_{min}$, of the stage in the evolution at which the minimum occurs and of $T$. This structure persists in examples of larger systems.
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