Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1209.0292 (Christoph Sträter et al.)

Non-equilibrum dynamics in the strongly excited inhomogeneous Dicke

Christoph Sträter, Oleksandr Tsyplyatyev, Alexandre Faribault
Using the exact eigenstates of the inhomogeneous Dicke model obtained by numerically solving the Bethe equations, we study the decay of bosonic excitations due to the coupling of the mode to an ensemble of two-level (spin 1/2) systems. We compare the quantum time-evolution of the bosonic mode population with the mean field description which, for a few bosons agree up to a relatively long Ehrenfest time. We demonstrate that additional excitations lead to a dramatic shortening of the period of validity of the mean field analysis. However, even in the limit where the number of bosons equal the number of spins, the initial instability remains adequately described by the mean-field approach leading to a finite, albeit short, Ehrenfest time. Through finite size analysis, we also present indications that the mean field approach could still provide an adequate description for thermodynamically large systems even at long times. However, for mesoscopic systems one cannot expect it to capture the behavior beyond the initial decay stage in the limit of an extremely large number of excitations.
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