Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1209.3461 (Jason Doukas et al.)

Entanglement and discord: accelerated observations of local and global

Jason Doukas, Eric G. Brown, Andrzej Dragan, Robert Mann
We investigate the amount of entanglement and quantum discord extractable from a two mode squeezed state as considered from the viewpoint of two observers, Alice (inertial) and Rob (accelerated). We find that using localized modes produces qualitatively different correlation properties for large accelerations than do Unruh modes. Specifically, the entanglement undergoes a sudden death as a function of acceleration and the discord asymptotes to zero in the limit of infinite acceleration. We conclude that the previous Unruh mode analyses do not determine the acceleration dependent entanglement and discord degradation of a given quantum state.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.3461

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