Friday, September 28, 2012

1209.6322 (N. Buric et al.)

Statistical ensembles in Hamiltonian formulation of hybrid
quantum-classical systems

N. Buric, I. Mendas, D. B. Popovic, M. Radonjic, S. Prvanovic
General statistical ensembles in the Hamiltonian formulation of hybrid quantum-classical systems are analyzed. It is argued that arbitrary probability densities on the hybrid phase space must be considered as the class of possible physically distinguishable statistical ensembles of hybrid systems. Nevertheless, statistical operators associated with the hybrid system and with the quantum subsystem can be consistently defined. Dynamical equations for the statistical operators representing the mixed states of the hybrid system and its quantum subsystem are derived and analyzed. In particular, these equations irreducibly depend on the total probability density on the hybrid phase space.
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