Li-Jun Tian, Cai-Yun Zhang, Li-Guo Qin
We investigate the time evolution of quantum discord and entanglement for two-qubit coupled to a spin chain with three-site interaction in the weak-coupling region. If the quantum system evolves from a Bell state, quantum correlations decay to zero in a very short time at the critical point of the environment. We found there exist some special interval of the three-site coupling strength in which the decay of quantum discord and entanglement can be delayed. When the qubits are initially prepared in a Bell diagonal state, the decay of entanglement is also delayed in the special interval, but the decay of quantum discord is enhanced. Besides, the sudden transition between classical and quantum decoherence is observed. we found the transition time can be lengthened at the special range of three-site interaction and shorten by degree of anisotropy.
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