Thursday, October 25, 2012

1210.6418 (Yulei Feng)

A New Interpretation to The Quantum Mechanics    [PDF]

Yulei Feng
In this paper, we try to give a new interpretation to the quantum mechanics from the point of view of (non-relativistic) quantum field theory. After field quantization, we obtain the Heisenberg equations for the momentum and coordinate operators of the particles excited from the (Schrodinger) field. We then give the probability concepts of quantum mechanics on the base of a statistical assemble realizing the assemble interpretation. With these, we make a series of conceptual modifications to the standard quantum mechanics, especially the quantum measurement theory; in the end, we try to solve the EPR paradox with the use of our new ideas. In addition, we also give a field theoretical description to the double-slit interference experiment, obtaining the particle number distribution, in the appendix.
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