Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1210.7825 (Yuli Lyanda-Geller)

Pure spin decoherence in quantum dots    [PDF]

Yuli Lyanda-Geller
We uncover two microscopic physical settings with significant pure spin decoherence. First, for quantum dots (QD) electrostatically confined in two-dimensional hole gas, decoherence comes from qubit spin-orbit (SO) coupling to phonons, whose decay due to free charge carriers in contacts is described by Ohmic weighted phonon spectral function. We derive significant SO interactions affecting holes with origin and symmetry distinct from that of conventionally considered Dresselhaus and Rashba terms. In the second setting of electron or hole QDs coupled to a linear chain of atoms, decoherence is due to spin-dependent coupling to phonons, whose decay due to scattering off the free ends of a chain is described by the weighted phonon spectral function inverse proportional to frequency. The decoherence rate in both settings is linear in temperature.
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