Yong-Liang Zhang, Yi-Nan Wang, Xiang-Ru Xiao, Li Jing, Liang-Zhu Mu, V. E. Korepin, Heng Fan
We investigate the schemes of quantum network teleportation for quantum information distribution and concentration which are essential in quantum cloud computation and quantum internet. In those schemes, the cloud can send simultaneously identical unknown quantum states to clients located in different places by a network like teleportation with a prior shared multipartite entangled state resource. The cloud first perform the quantum operation, each client can recover their quantum state locally by using the classical information announced by the cloud about the measurement result. The number of clients can be beyond the number of identical quantum states intentionally being sent, this quantum network teleportation can make sure that the retrieved quantum state is optimal. Furthermore, we present a scheme to realize its reverse process, which concentrates the states from the clients to reconstruct the original state of the cloud. These schemes facilitate the quantum information distribution and concentration in quantum networks in the framework of quantum cloud computation. Potential applications in time synchronization are discussed.
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