Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1211.2880 (Karsten Kreis)

Characterizing And Exploiting Hybrid Entanglement    [PDF]

Karsten Kreis
Quantum information theory is a very young area of research offering a lot of challenging open questions to be tackled by ambitious upcoming physicists. One such problem is addressed in this thesis. Recently, several protocols have emerged which exploit both continuous variables and discrete variables. On the one hand, outperforming many of the established pure continuous variable or discrete variable schemes, these hybrid approaches offer new opportunities. However, on the other hand, they also lead to new, intricate, as yet uninvestigated, phenomena. An important ingredient of several of these hybrid protocols is a new kind of entanglement: The hybrid entanglement between continuous variable and discrete variable quantum systems, which is studied in detail in this work. An exhaustive analysis of this kind of entanglement is performed, where the focus is on bipartite entanglement. Nevertheless, also issues regarding multipartite hybrid entanglement are briefly discussed. The quintessence of this thesis is a new classification scheme which distinguishes between effective discrete variable hybrid entanglement and so-called true hybrid entanglement. However, along the way, also other questions are addressed, which have emerged during the studies. For example, entanglement witnessing is discussed not only for hybrid entangled states, but also for fully continuous variable two-mode Schroedinger cat states. Furthermore, subtleties regarding entanglement witnessing in a certain kind of mixed states are examined. Not only theoretical classification and analysis of hybrid entangled states are discussed, but also their generation is presented and a few applications are demonstrated.
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