Monday, November 26, 2012

1211.5195 (Yoshiki Osaka et al.)

Enhanced up-conversion of entangled photons and quantum interference
under localized field in nanostructures

Yoshiki Osaka, Nobuhiko Yokoshi, Masatoshi Nakatani, Hajime Ishihara
We theoretically investigate up-conversion process of entangled two photons on a dimer molecule, which is coupled by a cavity or nanoscale metallic structure. Within one-dimensional input-output theory, the propagators of the photons are derived analytically and the up-conversion probability is calculated numerically. It is shown that the coupling with the nanostructure clearly enhances the process. We also find that the enhancement becomes further pronounced for some balanced system parameters such as the quantum correlation between photons, radiation decay rates and coupling between the nanostructure and molecule. The non-monotonic dependencies are reasonably explained in view of quantum interference between the coupled modes of the whole system. This result can provide a guideline for nonlinear optical reactions by weak light of a few photons.
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