Monday, December 10, 2012

1212.1569 (P. R. Struck et al.)

Nanomechanical read-out of a single spin    [PDF]

P. R. Struck, Heng Wang, Guido Burkard
The spin of a single electron in a suspended carbon nanotube can be read out by using its coupling to the nano-mechanical motion of the nanotube. To show this, we consider a single electron confined within a quantum dot formed by the suspended carbon nanotube. The spin- orbit interaction induces a coupling between the spin and one of the bending modes of the suspended part of the nanotube. We calculate the response of the system to pulsed external driving of the mechanical motion using a Jaynes-Cummings model. To account for resonator damping, we solve a quantum master equation, with parameters comparable to those used in recent experiments, and show how information of the spin state of the system can be acquired by measuring its mechanical motion. The latter can be detected by observing the current through a nearby charge detector.
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